Re: RIP Jim gave a whole nother meaning to the word "police brutality" brutality against the police lol. – The Self Defense Company

Re: RIP Jim Kelly…you gave a whole nother meaning to the word “police brutality” brutality against the police lol.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture RIP Jim Kelly…you gave a whole nother meaning to the word “police brutality” brutality against the police lol. Re: RIP Jim Kelly…you gave a whole nother meaning to the word “police brutality” brutality against the police lol.

Dallas Williams

Damn it’s crazy to me how so many otherwise good and intelligent people still support that motherfucker? Couldn’t people see how much he fucked us over during his first four years in office and now with this goddamn Obamacare. Affordable insurance for everyone he said, you won’t loose your current insurance plan he said? I swear Obama must be one of those people who has the ability of a snake oil salesman, to somehow brainwash people into buying into his bullshit despite what they can see happening right before their very eyes. Then again Hitler was a pure, evil monster yet he persuaded millions of Germans to follow and support him too to their detriment. Some people just have that charisma and image and public speaking ability and most importantly being sociopathic enough to lie with a straight and convincing face that it takes to move people and get them to believe and back them no matter what. The point is they can sell the sizzle so people buy the steak no matter how shitty it is.