Re: Self Defense for the Sex Worker – The Self Defense Company

Re: Self Defense for the Sex Worker

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Self Defense for the Sex Worker Re: Self Defense for the Sex Worker


“I consider all human life valuable” Damn there’s even liberals on the worlds most badass self-defense forum. Sir, if you consider all human life to be valuable, perhaps you shouldn’t be training in the worlds most ruthlessly efficient self defense system for it might require you to take the “VALUABLE” life of another “HUMAN BEING” whose trying to kill you. This last statement may piss you off, but I personally believe gang-bangers, drug dealers, rapists and the WORST of them all……child sexual predators DO NOT deserve to be safe. So I take it that you even believe Hitler’s life was SPECIAL and VALUABLE because the man was simply a HUMAN BEING too, he just made the wrong decisions right?