Re: Setting Goals For Your Training – The Self Defense Company

Re: Setting Goals For Your Training

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Setting Goals For Your Training Re: Setting Goals For Your Training

James Goolsby


Amazing, as usual, sir.

I am a big proponent of goal-setting, having achieved quite a lot of things in life that otherwise would have gone unfulfilled as a result. But I must admit, I never quite thought of the process in the way you describe. I suppose it’s because, in general, I am a positive person, so even when I “fail” I just see it as succeeding at finding another way that didn’t work. Perhaps I am just fooling myself, though, because I would be lying if I said that I never experienced the type of disappointment you speak of.

You have given me a lot to think about. I will certainly review my current goals and make note of what I can and cannot control, and then spend my time focused on the former.

