Re: Should we abolish the CPS with travesties like this happening, I think so? – The Self Defense Company

Re: Should we abolish the CPS with travesties like this happening, I think so?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Should we abolish the CPS with travesties like this happening, I think so? Re: Should we abolish the CPS with travesties like this happening, I think so?

Dallas Williams

Dammit Archie I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this with you’re children, I just hope the abuse has stopped now. I’m glad you were able to handle things rationally because if it were me if anybody, especially a piece of shit stepdad, I’d stomp his ass into the dirt so fast it wouldn’t even be funny(Damian when you said you’d be proud if somebody killed a man using SDTS tactics, well if this happened to me dammit I’d make you proud :) ). What I find rediculous is how courts seem to always award custody to the mother even though it’s clearly in the best interest for the children in cases like this for them to be with their father. Reversed gender bias against males if you ask me. And CPS is useless like you said they don’t intervene in cases like yours where children are very clearly being abused and other times jump in and snatch people’s children away when they have no right or legit reason to do so. Take care Archie keep your head up and I know you will do what is best as you can to take care of your kids and be a great father to them despite all of the bad circumstances you guys are going through now.