Re: Should we abolish the CPS with travesties like this happening, I think so? – The Self Defense Company

Re: Should we abolish the CPS with travesties like this happening, I think so?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Should we abolish the CPS with travesties like this happening, I think so? Re: Should we abolish the CPS with travesties like this happening, I think so?

Dallas Williams

I’m very glad to hear that Archie, at least now your son will be able to protect himself if that jerk off or anybody else tries to hurt him again. But in saying that I find it awesome when a little guy kicks some big guy’s ass who deserves it and thinks he can dominate the smaller due to the size/strength differential. The good thing about this SDTS is that anybody can defend themselves against anybody because when typical rules of “fair” fighting are taken out of the equation and you’re allowed to use weapons, strike preemptively, or do strikes that would be considered illegal in boxing or mma then it pretty much neutralizes any advantage your opponent might have over you with all other things considered. The thing to remember(it’s hard for us young guys) is assholes ain’t worth going to jail over if they’re not being a physical threat to your safety at the time. Hell the other day I was in town with my Mom and we were walking down the street and this hoodie dude who was with a couple of buddies said “Hey sexy bitch.” Grrr that pissed me off I turned to look at him and she grabbed my arm and said “Baby don’t it’s not worth it.” and we kept walking and that was the end of it. It’s like one thing if somebody insults or messes with me but when you start screwing with my family(wife, parents, kids, siblings) it takes shit to a whole nother level. Glad things are working out for you man just keep your head up and you’re giving your kids the greatest gift you could give them by showing them how to take care of themselves and protect themselves from harm no matter who the source is. By the way speaking of fatass rednecks you should check this shit out lol, this neo nazi punk flapping his jaws and challenging Damian to a “duel” :) ! That’ll be the day.