Re: Tabata Training for Self Defense by Damian Ross – The Self Defense Company

Re: Tabata Training for Self Defense by Damian Ross

Home Forums Welcome to the Legion! Tabata Training for Self Defense by Damian Ross Re: Tabata Training for Self Defense by Damian Ross


Right on the money [James Goolsby].

OK, so now when you’re on your treadmill DO THIS:

5 Minute warm up (3mph, 3 Incline)
Next you’re going to have to adjust the speed and incline to your current level. An an example follows:
20 seconds 7 incline, 7mph, 10 second rest
20 seconds 8 incline, 8mph, 10 second rest
20 seconds 8.5 incline, 8.5 mph, 10 second rest
20 seconds 9 incline, 9mph, 10 second rest.
3 to 5 minute warm down (3mph, 3 Incline)

How to make it work:
At 4:45 of your warm up, put your feet of the tread mill (on the sides) and set the incline for your first round. Then adjust height and speed, do it during rest periods.
For your rest periods do the same. You don’t have time to wait for the treadmill too catch up to speed. Put both hands on the rails and jump off.
To get back on, start with one foot and let it skip, then two feet – get up to speed and take your hands off the rails (whole process takes 2 seconds).

I don’t know if you have done that before – so I figured I better post it.