Re: Testimonial! A convulsive web. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Testimonial! A convulsive web.

Home Forums Welcome to the Legion! Testimonial! A convulsive web. Re: Testimonial! A convulsive web.


Thanks [James Goolsby] bounce is some kind of rap music. I really couldn’t tell ya it all sounds the same to me. Ive been a DJ for 15 years and still can’t figure that one out lol. Just give me some classic rock and roll and some 80s rock and I’m good. But I’m still surprised at myself and surprised at how fast I was able to stop the incident with out hurting anyone involved. SDTS is the best!!! And the elbow/wrist lock I did was curtsey of a Russian friend of mine he learned while in the spetznaz. It starts out as a shoulder lock and down to the elbow and wrist, kinda hard to explain but simple to do.