Re: There is no age limit of which an individual can be deadly and their actions may warrent deadly force! – The Self Defense Company

Re: There is no age limit of which an individual can be deadly and their actions may warrent deadly force!

Home Forums Tactics and Training Questions Conceal Carry, Law Enforcement and Security There is no age limit of which an individual can be deadly and their actions may warrent deadly force! Re: There is no age limit of which an individual can be deadly and their actions may warrent deadly force!

Dallas Williams

That is the typical sheep mentality to view those that are young, elderly, female, small stature, etc. as weaker individuals and therefore not capable of being a deadly threat. That is why we have such a double standard in our society and the justice system when it comes to female vs male offenders for example. A woman murders her husband and a lot of people(and most importantly jurors) will have empathy for her and believe whatever lies the defense concocts about how he was possibly mentally/physically abusive to her and provoked her to commit the act and she either gets a light conviction/sentence or totally acquitted. However, a man murders his wife and everybody is ready to throw him into the electric chair no questions asked. People either don’t believe or don’t want to believe women, children, or the elderly are physically or emotionally capable of murdering or violently assaulting someone but the point is anybody no matter how frail or physically weak can be deadly with a weapon in their hands. For example, a soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan is faced with a situation of a young child 6 or 7 years old approaching him and taking aim with a gun to shoot him. He either has two choices either shoot the child and live or do nothing and allow the child to shoot him. When it comes down to the wire you gotta do what you gotta do to survive when your life is threatened and eliminate the threat even using deadly force if necessary no matter how benign society thinks it may be.