Re: There's a lot of truth to what Jack Lalanne says about why Americans are so sick and tired :)! – The Self Defense Company

Re: There’s a lot of truth to what Jack Lalanne says about why Americans are so sick and tired :)!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture There’s a lot of truth to what Jack Lalanne says about why Americans are so sick and tired :)! Re: There’s a lot of truth to what Jack Lalanne says about why Americans are so sick and tired :)!


You nailed it Dallas. Personally I train just to train, why? Because I love it. I’ve done a lot of different types of training since high school, when I was the chubby kid(but also the chubby kid who could run a 6.5 min mile and a 59.6 second 400 meter when I was on the track team) I was always active growing up but I ate like crap and had the weight to show for it. When I stopped focusing on getting big and all that and just started training for fun I enjoyed it more like it wasn’t a chore anymore. Sure I’ve done my share of supplements nothing ever illegal just border line. But now it’s just a multi vite and daily training of some type. Like this am I only did two rounds of circuit one in mod 7 and I feel great. A little each day goes a long way!