Re: They Love the Planet, but they Hate Humans like You – The Self Defense Company

Re: They Love the Planet, but they Hate Humans like You

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture They Love the Planet, but they Hate Humans like You Re: They Love the Planet, but they Hate Humans like You


Thanks Kirk,

I had people like you in mind when I wrote the piece. I wanted to give people a few facts to work with and if I had specifics I would give them, but these people operate as a leaderless movement in cells.

Who is going to encounter them?

The campus security guard on their rounds. A guy leaving the lumber yard after working late or some contractor on a job site. All of these people might just brush off environmentalists and think the worst they will encounter is some sign waving protesters. Now maybe they’ll do a lit more research and local law enforcement might realize that have some potential targets in their town.

Yes the average citizen can just have a bad day and become violent, and that is why we teach a skill set that works on the battlefield no matter where it might be.