Re: Two teenagers brutally beat a WW2 veteran to death :(! Yet another arguement to use shitbags for live training dummies. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Two teenagers brutally beat a WW2 veteran to death :(! Yet another arguement to use shitbags for live training dummies.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Two teenagers brutally beat a WW2 veteran to death :(! Yet another arguement to use shitbags for live training dummies. Re: Two teenagers brutally beat a WW2 veteran to death :(! Yet another arguement to use shitbags for live training dummies.

Dallas Williams

Beating a 90 year old man to death? Sounds like we got a couple of badasses on our hands lol. Go back 20 years or so and I’m sure if he had combatives training he would’ve made quick work of these fuckers. Well when they get put behind bars they’ll be somebody’s BOB and better yet blowup doll soon enough for many years to come lol.