Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60's hands this beligerent punk's ass to him on a silver platter :)! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)! Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)!


I remember seeing that on the news when I was livin in Miami. I don’t remember where they said it happened. But later on the black guy and a couple others were arrested. The “old” guy was a Vietnam vet and if I recall correctly he got most of his stuff back. Ahh idiots with cameras just get them selves in trouble lol. That’s how they got caught.