Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60's hands this beligerent punk's ass to him on a silver platter :)! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)! Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)!

Dallas Williams

I don’t get how some people can think he was the aggressor, it’s obvious in the video he was just defending himself as the punk ass is the one who got physical with him first. He tried to move and change seats but he kept following and harassing him and flapping his mouth. And people that say he should’ve just gotten off the bus? He had every right to ride that bus and travel wherever he intended to go and had no duty to retreat as he was in a lawful place with a lawful purpose, traveling from point A to point B. The bottom line is no matter who you are civilian, law enforcement, military, etc. you have the right to defend yourself from a physical threat to your safety using whatever means necessary to neutralize the threat. When people criticize people like this man, George Zimmerman, or other such cases what they are in fact doing is limiting themselves and through such faulty thinking taking a right away from themselves that everyone is guaranteed. Nobody likes violence or doing harm to others, but sometimes there is no other choice it is either you or them and you gotta decide, live or die go home to your family or go home in a coffin.