Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60's hands this beligerent punk's ass to him on a silver platter :)! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)! Re: Vietnam vet in his upper 60’s hands this beligerent punk’s ass to him on a silver platter :)!

Dallas Williams

Just look at all of the kids and adults who have done mass shootings or murders it’s not the loudmouths and guys always making empty threats and hurling insults that do shit like that. It’s the quiet reserved dude who sits in the back of the room and never says anything doing his own thing and many times really intelligent and evaluating and looking everybody over that you gotta worry about. They’re the people nobody suspects would do a thing but the whole time are secretly planning and plotting what they’re about to do and then when they finally do something horrendous everybody’s so shocked.