Re: What I learned from college Calculus class and how it relates to self defense. – The Self Defense Company

Re: What I learned from college Calculus class and how it relates to self defense.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture What I learned from college Calculus class and how it relates to self defense. Re: What I learned from college Calculus class and how it relates to self defense.

James Goolsby


Nice job. I found the same thing when it comes to learning the law, at the academy, on the job, and with my prep for law school. There is a lot of “gray” area and the important thing is to be able to figure out multiple ways for a solution. As you point out, this is the same with SDTS. Of course, Damian’s system is infinitely less complicated that calculus or the law, but the principles hold nonetheless. What I like best is how Damian gives us multiple solutions to a problem and, although each is simple, he still leaves room for us to find the solution that works best for us.

Well done, brother. Smile