Re: Why BJJ and grappling and submissions is for the most part useless in a real fight? – The Self Defense Company

Re: Why BJJ and grappling and submissions is for the most part useless in a real fight?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Why BJJ and grappling and submissions is for the most part useless in a real fight? Re: Why BJJ and grappling and submissions is for the most part useless in a real fight?

James Goolsby


You are correct. There are certainly times when we have to be more “gentle” in order to facilitate an arrest. I generally teach my guys a sort of stair-step process with presence and verbal judo being the lowest level, followed by arrest and control procedures (like you are describing here)… but make no mistake, when the shit hits the fan there is nothing more effective than full on SDTS. At the end of the day, it’s all about going home at the end of the shift.

Having said that, I gotta say, I have found less and less need to supplement my training with anything else. I’m a Krav Maga guy from way back, but even that has pretty much been replaced by SDTS. The great thing about Damian’s system is that it covers everything. I don’t need much in the “grappling” area because he has already covered what really works in the street. Same goes for takedowns, striking, etc. If you take a look at his Guardian Defensive Tactics program for law enforcement, it’s basically a more department-policy friendly version of SDTS, and it is extremely effective. Like I said, I’m finding myself using less and less of other styles and police defensive tactics systems… I just don’t need it. I can assure you this stuff works; I use it regularly. Wink

Stay safe.