Re: Why BJJ and grappling and submissions is for the most part useless in a real fight? – The Self Defense Company

Re: Why BJJ and grappling and submissions is for the most part useless in a real fight?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Why BJJ and grappling and submissions is for the most part useless in a real fight? Re: Why BJJ and grappling and submissions is for the most part useless in a real fight?


Nice post [Dallas Williams].

Grappling is an inefficient method of defense. The reason it’s so popular is because you can tell, right away if you can defeat your opponent while still remaining friends.

I can make you tap without really hurting you, but I can;t knock you out without doing some real damage.

That’s why martial arts evolved into dancing and grappling remained constant. That’s also the reason people are convinced BJJ and other forms of grappling are great because they have “proof” that it works. when you get your partner to tap – you know you’ve won.

But as you pointed out – while you’re trying to get some guy to tap, he’s going to be beating the crap out of you.

It’s much easier to knock someone out with a strike than it is a strangle. It’s even easier with a black jack Cool

If you can get someone to “tap” you have the power to knock someone out.