Another mma fighter teaching a petite woman nonetheless mma techniques for the street, and tops it off with a fucking armbar :(. – The Self Defense Company

Another mma fighter teaching a petite woman nonetheless mma techniques for the street, and tops it off with a fucking armbar :(.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Another mma fighter teaching a petite woman nonetheless mma techniques for the street, and tops it off with a fucking armbar :(.

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    • #10592
      Dallas Williams
    • #12638
      Dallas Williams

      Ok how the hell is a 5 foot 100 something pound woman gonna be able to block a 200 pound plus man’s punch coming at her without still getting bowled down And even if a bigger adult male like myself is able to sucessfully block the hit it still leaves his other arm perfectly torqued to clobber me. Not to mention the choke defense lol if a guy as big as Rodrigo here is choking a woman this size he’s gonna be lifting her up off the ground and she’s not gonna be grounded to be able to trip him with her leg and even if she was it’s still gonna be difficult to manipulate your leg to initiate the trip when you’re being choked from behind. Then to top it all off after the takedown this tool tells her to go down to the ground with him and do a damn armbar on him which he most likely will be able to resist and escape and above all else it would leave her or anybody else who attempted to do this on the street male or female open to getting booted and stomped to death by his buddies which he will definetly have with him since these attacks tend to occur with groups. She knew more about self defense than he did apparently, at least once she took him down she was trying to finish him with strikes but no he wanted her to lay on top of him and do that submission. I think he was much more concerned with getting to be up close and personal and roll around with the hot news anchor than he was teaching her self defense Laugh. , think he was having to adjust his pants for a slight boner there haha.

    • #12641

      Lmao this is why I laugh at some self defense classes. Especially this guy in the vid. Does he not realize that concrete would rip her little body apart while trying to take an assailant to the ground. She wouldn’t have to worry about the bad guy trying to rape her, the ground would eat her up. ;)

    • #12644

      Are you kidding me?!?!?! I don;t even know where to begin but THIS IS WHAT’S WRONG WITH martial arts, MMA and self defense.

      STAY IN THE CAGE. Please.

      Seriously, asking this guy how to teach someone that is smaller, weaker and NO EXPERIENCE in, well anything is like asking an NFL player to show her how to run a 4.4 – 40 yard dash.

      I think I feel a blog coming on…

    • #12647

      Blog blog blog!!!
      Ten send it to that news lady and have her sign up for SDTS!

    • #12648

      You have got to be kidding me, what the hell was that? Why would anyone give that kind of instruction? I’ve got to digest this one, I can’t believe what I just saw, that was a special kind of stupid.Confused

    • #12654
      Young Wang

      I think the armbar here was really just meant to be entertaining to the mainstream, however the bigger problem is that even RBSD guys, TFT comes to mind, markets “joint breaking” as an “advanced” skill to expand a student’s ability to cause injury and improve his or her efficiency.
      WHY is an armbar even considered a “finishing technique”? In sport, yes, they tap and it’s over but on the street, why would you waste the TIME to even try to break an elbow joint assuming the attacker is still somewhat conscious and can still reach for a concealed weapon like a knife or even a gun. And even if you managed to break the arm, SOMETHING ELSE needs to get HIT, KICKED, or STOMPED before he goes unconcious, so it’s really just an unnecessary step that serves no benefit and leaves more room for SH#T to go horribly wrong.

    • #12657
      Dallas Williams

      Another good point Young even a total arm breakage at the elbow doesn’t guarantee a totally disabled attacker. Yeah if you did the armbar right and were able to snap the arm he might not have use of that limb anymore but he still has a good arm left to pull a gun or knife or whatever and to a guy that is strung out on drugs pain might not even be a factor so the guy either needs to be killed or KO’d to no longer be a threat. Even elite athletes and fighters have been able to finish competitions or games or fights with broken or severely injured limbs because of sheer will and adrenaline so broken bones might not always guarantee a game ender.

    • #12660

      The arm bar in a fight does something that puts you at even more of a disadvantage.

      You literally “fall off” your enemy and now you’re lying on the ground beside him.

      There is a chance that you might cause him to go into shock because of the pain. But you’re spot on Dallas, you can play an entire football game with a dislocated elbow – you sure as hell can fight for your life.

    • #12668

      I have had to use an arm bar in a fight, with my ex wife husband. Any way he deserved to have his arm broken then I broke his jaw, he shouldn’t of put his hands on my kids. Personally I only think it worked in that case bc his fat redneck ass didn’t think I was going to do anything but talk smack and then he told me to hit him so I did lol. Our issues have since been resolved but now that I am thinking about it yes it could have ended badly for me and possibly my kids. I’ve learned from that incident especially after starting SDTS.

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