Ask this lawyer's opinion of the Jews – The Self Defense Company

Ask this lawyer’s opinion of the Jews

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    • #10494

      Lawyers know a lot about Jews. This lawyer Ed Steele was a trial lawyer. He used to defend people that had altercations with Blacks. He noticed when he would represent them he would be attacked by the Jews. Then he started representing people who had done things the Jews didn’t like. That’s when he really learned about the Jews. You got to scroll down and read his piece It wasn’t the Arabs. It’s a real good piece. He wrote a piece about what the Jews had done to him and it was BANNED in Canada. YES, Banned in Canada. Like I said Damian this guy is a lawyer. He was in the Navy. He learned all by himself. He didn’t learn at a rally. He learned it personally. Shoot him an email and ask him about the Jews, because this dude does not like them.

      After that go to and get the books, “Destruction of Dresden” and “Germany Must Perish”

    • #12215
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