Beware of scams in the world of fitness just like in self defense! – The Self Defense Company

Beware of scams in the world of fitness just like in self defense!

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  • Author
    • #10751
      Dallas Williams
    • #13446
      Dallas Williams

      If jerking off really built muscle then all of us would be walking around with arms the size of Ronnie Coleman :)! Of course there are many other dumb ass contraptions and programs out there that claim to get you stronger or more fit but this one takes the cake. The body conditioning module 6 and fitness training module 7 from the SDTS are all anybody needs to get more conditioned and fit, and if you really wanna take yourself to the next level and really pack on muscle and send your strength gains into overdrive then the supplemental weight training program recommended by Damian is the way to go.

    • #13449
      James Goolsby

      @Dallas Williams said:

      If jerking off really built muscle then all of us would be walking around with arms the size of Ronnie Coleman :)

      Ha! It’s like I told the guys at work the other night: “I’m gonna go home and have some sex… and if the internet is down I might even wake up the wife!”

      Speaking of Shake Weights, have you seen the vids where the dude is using one outside police stations with his back turned? He almost got arrested several times. Classic stuff. Laugh

    • #13452

      Haha! No wonder my right arm is huge.
      Shake it don’t break it. It took ya momma 9 months to make it. Haha.

    • #13455
      Dallas Williams

      Lol people wanna believe they can still get in a good workout without ever having to leave the comfort of their couch or recliner. Shaking this gadget is a hell of a lot easier than actually getting up and getting down in the floor and doing a set of pushups Laugh

    • #13461

      Hell last night I was swamped with paperwork and didn’t have “time” to workout. But, I still managed to do 50 push-ups and 100 squats. Kiss

    • #13466
      James Goolsby

      @Dallas Williams said:

      Lol people wanna believe they can still get in a good workout without ever having to leave the comfort of their couch or recliner. Shaking this gadget is a hell of a lot easier than actually getting up and getting down in the floor and doing a set of pushups Laugh

      Not true. I’ve seen the infomercial… the guy shaking the thing apparently got a P90X body from using the thing, and everybody knows TV doesn’t lie! Laugh

    • #13467

      The “shake weight” makes a great gag gift.

      Did you see this on hard knocks?

      In the series they carted out a bin full of them. Don;t think for a second these guys use the shake weight for anything more than getting a little pump before hitting the clubs.

    • #13481

      Haha that’s funny

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