BULLETMAN suit – The Self Defense Company


Home Forums Tactics and Training Questions BULLETMAN suit

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    • #10767
      salvatore Andaloro

      Hello Damian, I wanted to ask you a question. Where can I find bulletman suit also used? You have something like this? And if I wanted to make a padded helmet, what kind of foam I use? thanks

    • #13553

      This is George. We bought the Armour that you are speaking about through Bill Kipp (Fast Defense). It is called Predator Armour. The link to the website is https://www.predatorarmour.com/
      If you have questions you can ask me. I use this Armour with my students.

      Read more: https://insider.theselfdefenseco.com/forum/sdts-module-1-essential-self-defense/bulletman-suit-1/#ixzz2ytvENmkz

    • #13554
      salvatore Andaloro

      Hello George, I wanted to ask you if it works well as impact, and if you can buy it used, the price for the new one is too high. thanks

    • #13557

      The suit is awesome for impact. You can take a baseball bat to this thing with full power and the suit protects. I have trained with many different protective suits and although this one looks funny, it is by far the most effective. As for buying one used, I can keep an eye out for you and let you know.

    • #13558
      salvatore Andaloro


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