Can You Explain the Difference? – The Self Defense Company

Can You Explain the Difference?

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    • #10514

      Dear Damian,

      I have studied traditional karate for several years, but I am new to the concepts of the WWII style of combatives. I bought all of Captain Chris’s material except for Mercenary Combatives (which is too expensive right now). I like the general concepts he presented about gross motor movements, etc., although the production mediocre at best.

      Chris mentions you Damian and Carl in the videos and refers to you being the guy that he goes to for close combat combatives.

      I came across your program because I want to learn all that I can about the type of self defense that you and Chris teach.

      What is the difference between what you and Chris teach? I am not interested in bashing Chris or you or anybody. I am convinced that the concepts of the gross motor skill training is superior to what I have learned in the past, and I want to learn all that I can.

      So, Damian, could you please shed light on this for me? In retrospect, I should have purchased your program first because it looks more professionally done, you have training guides, and people can actually contact you via this forum. But, I didn’t know that when I bought the other stuff from Chris. Eventually I will buy your program as well so I can keep on learning.

      Any thoughts are appreciated. To anybody who reads this, please, I am not interested in putting people down. I know that Chris has had bad press but I have had zero problems. I just want some honest information.

      Thank you in advance for your response.

    • #12322

      In short Chris was a student of mine for a limited time. I can’t comment on what he is teaching since I’ve never seen the videos. He did film some of them at my studio when we were in business together.

      As far as the differences, I can’t say, what I can tell you about the SDTS is that we provide you with all of the drills for you to practice on your own. We provide you with the support through the forum, seminars and instructors.

      I tell you, take the 30 day trial of module one of the SDTS ( and you tell me if you don’t learn more in module 1 than all of his programs, I’ll even refund your shipping.

      Once enrolled it’s less than $60 per module and you can come back and buy the rest of the modules at a discount.

      At the end of the day, I’ll put the SDTS up against any other self defense program out there. That’s why I have the free 30 day trial.

    • #12323


      Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I appreciate that, and I think it says a great deal about you and your business that you are willing to respond personally to questions. I will check out your program soon. I also praise your integrity since you did not slam the competition.

      I wish you continued success.

    • #12326

      Thanks and no problem Please continue to use the forum as a resource. Also check out

    • #12335

      I have Chris”s mercenary combatives and they are greatly overpriced. I have his scientific self defense and abc videos also. I don’t want to bash anybody either but I wish I hadn’t spent all that money. Like I said I have the Mercebary Combatives and you will get much better material here. most of the videos are people in a seminar of his working out his techniques, taking up much video time and using up space that should’ve been used more usefully especially for that price.

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