Charlie Nelson makes a good point here about how domestic violence calls are the absolute worst for LEO's to respond to. – The Self Defense Company

Charlie Nelson makes a good point here about how domestic violence calls are the absolute worst for LEO’s to respond to.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Charlie Nelson makes a good point here about how domestic violence calls are the absolute worst for LEO’s to respond to.

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  • Author
    • #10652
      Dallas Williams

    • #12801
      Dallas Williams

      People never should be deceived into thinking that whether you’re a civilian or law enforcement coming to the aid of a woman in a domestic assault that you will get the typical damsel in distress reaction to her hero that you see in the movies or cartoons. More often than not when you’re trying to subdue and restrain the attacking husband/boyfriend she will at the best be yelling and swearing at you to “stop hurting him” or at the worst start attacking you herself to defend the very man who just moments before was trying to harm or even kill her. Real life people Smile

    • #12805
      James Goolsby

      Amen, brother… they’re one of the worst!

    • #12817

      Love Charlie…you could just hand yoke him to the back of the neck and put his lights out. Smile

    • #12827
      Young Wang

      Or use the inside or outside edge of boot to stomp on the back of his knee to take the man down. Smile

    • #12830
      Dallas Williams

      Gotta love the rear stomp take down from Guardian Defensive tactics :) !

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