Combat Throws and Take Downs – The Self Defense Company

Combat Throws and Take Downs

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    • #10083

      Sometime you have to take your target to the ground. Sporting throws that couse you to go to the ground with your target meut be avoided. Module 10 uses only combat specific throws in their original form.

      Module 10 Combat Throws and Take Downs includes:

      Breaking Balance

      Extreme Close Quarters Hand Techniques

      Extreme Close Quarters Foot Techniques

      Core Body and Solo Training Drills

      Basic Take Down From the Front
      1. Hockey Takedown
      2. Snap Down
      3. Bull Dog or Head Twist Takedown
      4. Chin Jab Takedown
      5. Side Arm and Head Takedown

      Basic Takedowns From the Rear
      1. Rear

    • #11114

      Is it possible to order just this module?

      Over the years I have found that stand up grappling specifically is very important for developing confidence in a physical altercation.
      I found that my striking skills improved tremendously when I developed stand up grappling skills as my balance and distancing skills improved.
      This is surely because of the live sparring practiced as well.

      This was one great benefit from practicing combat sports that I would like to continue with although not in a combat sport environment, as I’m now almost 40 years old and have little interest in taking part in combat sports anymore.

      This module seems very pertinent to self defense oriented throws and stand up grappling and I’m very interested in ordering it.

    • #11115

      It’s a system, not a collection of videos. I some times get guys how want to start at a later module due to the titles. The problem is that what is in the first module s utilized in the last modules.

      Combat throws and takedowns require specific striking, gouging and hooking skills that are developed in the earlier modules.

      All of these methods require you to attack instinctively and aggressively. Now I know that we are dealing with a wide variety of experience levels from the inexperienced to expert. Most of the time, the experts get more out of the training because they can pick up subtle nuances that inexperienced people can’t see.


    • #11316

      the only takedowns Im aware of is the chinjab takedown and the bulldog take down. With the bulldog take down that I tried on my younger brother….with ease of course! I noticed you can also slam your opponents face onto your knee cap then deliver an elbow or EOH to the back of the skull then drive the S.O.B.s head into the cement.

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