Congratulations Dan Neddo – The Self Defense Company

Congratulations Dan Neddo

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Congratulations Dan Neddo

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    • #10340

      Dan has been putting foot to ass in Indiana for well over a year now and he just completed his certification for Instructor Level 1 and Instructor Level 2 in the SDTS.

      Congrats Dan, you looked sharp on the video.


      PS Certificates go out today.

    • #11422

      Good Job Dan. You do the factory all day and than you teach. You’re showing real dedication.

    • #11425


      That’s great to hear. Keep up the good work my friend.

    • #11434

      Thank You Damian, I’m proud to be a part of this team, dedicated to teaching self defense…dedicated to teaching the truth.
      Thanks for all of your support and guidance.

      While I’m posting;
      Thanks to Mike Archangel for his support.
      Thanks to Bill for his congrats and his support.
      Thanks to Darren for his congrats, support and his service to this great country. Semper Fi and God Bless America.

      p.s. my daughter Saerah had a blast helping me with the video.
      Pretty good rear bear hug defense.

      Thanks again

    • #11435

      Happy T-Day Dan, I just received the other package!


    • #11437

      Hey Damian,

      Thanks again for the earlier post. I hope you don’t mind me sending the Level 1 Certificate for your signature. It’s going on the “I love me wall” at home…that is until I get my own studio and Training Center!!!!

      My DVD editing program was not working correctly, so each specific skill was shot individually. I hope for my future testing I can do it in NJ. Then I won’t have to worry about editing problems.

      Hope You, Angela & the kids have a great Thanksgiving,

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