Congratulations to Craig Domalewski! – The Self Defense Company

Congratulations to Craig Domalewski!

Home Forums Tactics and Training Questions Conceal Carry, Law Enforcement and Security Congratulations to Craig Domalewski!

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    • #10381

      Who the heck is Craig Domalewski? He’s one of my friends (and actual friend, not a made up internet/facebook friend).

      He was recently appointed to Special Counsel for NJ Governor-Elect Chris Christie. That means he’s number 3 when it comes to running the state.

      What is also means is corrupt scumbags BEWARE.

      Christie cleaned up the New Jersey School of Dentistry and Medicine and now sets his sites on cleaning up the rest of the “Soprano State”!

      I’ve known Craig for 22 years and his integrity is incredible.

      Yes, we are the most corrupt state in the union. But not for long! Hey, if these guys can’t do it, it can’t be done.

      These next few years should be interesting…

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