Controlling the Body Weapons – The Self Defense Company

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    • #10408

      In my many years of police work and looking for the

    • #11599

      Can’t find a thing wrong with what ya said so far.

      What I learned from the Fairbairn/Sykes mindset up to now is that the best “techniques” are:

      Take his balance

      Take his vision

      Take his “wind”

      Bend something the way it ain’t supposed to be bent

      Rip his face off

      Block his blood from his brain

      Pound the living f**** out of him lol

    • #11601

      add movement to your list and you got the perfect tactical scenario

      then it really is easy to beat them to a plup…

      Remember though, the tactical application should not be approached in any particular order.

      always take what your advesary gives you and work from there.

    • #11602

      Well yeah Pro, that’s why I put techniques in quotes like that. Most techniques in most martial arts consist of what Cestari I believed called “rote” patterns. “Do this, then this, then this…and NO not like that…like this!” then “Now MEMORIZE that!”

      And yes, movement. As in forward…but to an angle.

    • #11603

      That’s what I like about this “program.” Find the opening – whatever the person opens for you – and ATTACK!!! I implied movement with “taking of ground.” Good to see you both get what I’m saying. It makes me feel like I communicated it properly.

    • #11604

      what’s that Kirk? You say something?


    • #11696

      This is how people in the real world get fucked up. Master these techniques, move first and you’ll be unstoppable

    • #11697

      Well put Kirk, thanks for this post.

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