don't ever do this! – The Self Defense Company

don’t ever do this!

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    • #10174

      Jesus I preach to the choir somedays…and others to the Vatican. OK, There is (not naming names, too much of that already) a guy who is a combatives instructor of undecided military rank (uhh-between Lt and Capt) who has a vid on youtube. On this vid he demonstrates what happens if ” you “suddenly forget everything you’ve learned!” (hm–funny—I thought he said that’ll never happen!).

      You forget everything and then some guy goes wild and comes at you with a series of haymakers. His purely defensive response for this is shocking; he has you take your left arm, cross it over your chest and make your left thumb tuck under your collar. THEN- take your right arm and hold it above your left in the same positioning-but raise it above your eyes, guarding you bro. The right hand clasping your left shoulder I guess. This is supposed to be a total protection. You then kind of lunge in
      and knock him back a bit while he swings at you.

      I don’t doubt that this is somewhat as protective as the peek-a-boo in boxing. But your arms are now totally crossing your centerline. We did experiements like this where one of us would cross our arm across our chest and someone else, sometimes a small female student would do nothing more than press her pinky against the arm in that position. The way the muscle groups work you can’t do anything. Like holding a croc’s jaws shut. Hes ais that holding your arms up in the boxer’s peek-a-boo is “bad because then you can’t perform the backhand strikes like egde-of-hand.

      Damion look, I don’t know if Cestari taught you guys this and I don;t know if you teach it or not inm advanced modules. But this does NOT seem like a bright idea to me.

      And besides, OH YES YOU the strikes this man describes from the position of the peek-a-boo. Maybe not perfectly in a horizontal trajectory, but definantely in a vertical up-n-down manner.

    • #10950

      And I am not going to post the url of the video…but you guys are fairly certain of who and what it is I am talking about. Youtube. 1%er you seem pretty aware of things, would YOU ever try this?

    • #10951

      Its seems a little to passive and complicated as well If I am imagining it right the guard is kinda high. If I had to cover I would go with something more of a boxers cover.

      But I am more of just hit the bastard kinda guy. In a real fight your best defense is a good offense. Always remember a block and/or cover is a exceedly rare thing but then again so is a fighting stance.

    • #10952

      Just wanted to add. I do like the what I call the Dracula cover. Ya know with the one arm across the face. Its taught in the SDC . But its utilized in closing not passively. There are also some variations that I have been exposed to that you will also use the other hand as well as you are closing to remove obstruction or cover if the guy is going ape shit on you as you close.

      Just wanted to make sure I was clear that I was aganst the concept. But again it needs to used aggressively or ya are just gonna go down under a barrage of strikes.

    • #10953

      I haven’t seen the video, but I think what you’re referring is a cover technique. I can’t comment on how it was shown, but it was originally practiced as a last ditch effort if your were sucker punched or became over whelmed.

      The purpose is to cover your head, neck and throat so you could buy some time to recover. Again, I can’t make this point enough…if someone is beating the snot out of you and you have to resort to this cover, you are hoping that this guy decides to stop or smashes his knuckles on your head and elbows.

      In module 3 of the SDTS we show a cover on the ground (long with slipping) in a hopes that you can gather yourself to mount a counter attack.

      If you have to do these types of techniques, something has gone wrong. I would much rather be the guy on the other end. But, it is the best response to that particular situation.

      With regards to the person showing the technique. That person had limited time with me. Most of his time was spent in Judo and even that he was a good dojo player, poor tournament competitor.

      His explanation and application seem a little off. Again, I have never seen the clip, I have never even seen a video he has appeared in.

      1%er brings up a point about the “Dracula cover” BTW, no one under 30 knows what the hell you’re talking about when you make that reference.


    • #10954

      Hey 1%er..about you saying you’d rather “just hit the bastard” I KNEW you’d say that! I know most people who have been in a few scuffles or two get that mindset.

      And Damian, nope…I AM OVER 30, but I have not heard of “the Dracula” though I imagine I’ll see it in the next modules. But it does sound a bit more sensible to come in aggressively with it and not just “defend”.

    • #10955

      And Bella Lagosi was a heroin addict. :D” title=”Laughing” />

    • #10956

      As you all probably figured out, WWII hand to hand is a part of the SDTS but doesn’t encompass it to say the least.

      The cover, coves from an actual “situation”. In the 70’s Yonezuka was establishing himself as the premier martial artist and all around ass kicker. When he was in his twenties he would literally take on all comers in exhibition matches in order to make ends meet. Because he accepted money for his participation, the Olympic committee revoked his amateur status. The US has yet to capture a gold in the olympics.

      Yone (Yonezuka) was also in the habit of importing talent from his homeland. Kimura sensei (Shitoryu Karate Kimura NOT Judo Kimura) was one of those people.

      Kimura lived at the dojo and began the Karate program that is still in existence today. As you can imagine, two athletes, both in their prime, sitting around the dojo eventually stumbled on to the argument which is better, Judo or Karate. An argument that can never be answered (that’s for another post).

      So finally, they decided to settle it. Kimura’s karate vs. Yonezuka’s judo. You should note that Yone’s karate is top notch so he clearly had it over Kimura. But Kimura, despite his small stature hit like a Mack Truck. One sports write at the time compared his reverse punch to a heavyweight boxer.

      So there they were, squaring off. Yonezuka assumed a stance that was more “cover” than attack. One arm covered his chin, elbow pointing at Kimura, with his hand braced against his shoulder. The other arm was across his mid-section, covering his solar plexus and rib cage. Clearly Yone wanted to create the opportunity to get his hands on the hard hitting Kimura.

      What happened..I’ll never tell out of respect for both men, but the two remained close friends until Kimura’s untimely death.

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