Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real. – The Self Defense Company

Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real.

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    • #10709
      Dallas Williams

    • #13104
      Dallas Williams

      So they call this the official fighting art of the Samurai? I call bullshit cause I know that they would’ve never used these twisty wristy joint lock techniques in combat. People can make the argument that they would’ve employed joint locks more back then sense they were so heavily armored that strikes would have been useless, but really any more useless than joint locks? Their opponent could just as easily in the heat of real life combat resist this stuff just as people can today and it’s fucking impossible to have the wherewithal to be able to pull this complicated mess off in an adrenaline fueled fight to the death moment. And so what if you can manage to lock up one of your opponents arms, he’s still got three damn other limbs to fight with. The reality is the Samurai, mideivel knights, spartans, mongols, and every other ancient and modern combat warrior since or before then fights the same way under duress and combat despite what martial arts nuts train and say works in the dojo. We strike(but especially with armored opponents those strikes better be open handed or at least hammerfists), we gouge, we bite, and we rip and tear, and beyond that we employ edged, pointed, or blunt weapons to stab, cut, slash, beat, or bludgeon the shit out of the enemy, a chain, garment, rope, or cord or the like to strangle and asphyxiate them to death, or in modern times if we’re fortunate enough and have enough time can deploy our firearm and blast them.
      That’s pretty much the summation of hand to hand combat and despite all of the fancy decorative choreography the vast array of martial arts put into their syllabus and have you believe are real and applicable parts of hand to hand combat it’s really nothing but just that just pure decorated perfumed bullshit to make themselves and their practicioners look better and more skilled like they can take out anyone and be better show offs than Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal, Van Damme, etc. The reality is there are only so many ways you can attack or kill another human being, hell even combat sports like mma show that only a handful of martial arts and their techniques are practical and applicable to work even in the ring and the rest in even in controlled environments in competition is still complete and utter nonsense. When was the last time you saw a fillipino kali, wing chun, or aikido guy win a mma fight or even compete period lol? The point is when Damian says “train honestly” this is what he means Laugh. Train for self defense only tactics that are proven in blood to work and save your ass in real life such as those demonstrated in the SDTS modules and leave the nonsense in the dojo or in controlled environments like competitions where they belong.

    • #13106
      James Goolsby

      [Dallas Williams],

      It’s not that joint locks don’t work, per se. I’m a police officer and I can tell you we use them all the time with good results. The trick is knowing when to use them and when you’re just fooling yourself with some “Steve Seagull” crap. Like the song goes: you gotta know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em.

      Take Aikido, for example. There are some very good control holds and throws that we use all the time. But if you think for one second you’re going to catch some dirtbag’s hand as he throws a punch like you see in the movies or on YouTube you’ve got another thing coming. (btw… I call that particular technique, “catching butterflies with your bare hands”, because you’ll be about as successful doing that, too. Laugh) Some of the moves the guy in this video is using fall into that category. If he already has his opponent in his grasp and needs further control, this stuff will work. But if dude is some scumbag hell-bent on taking his head off and he doesn’t have at least some level of control already, well, good luck with all that.

      Furthermore, I can assure you that no one… and I mean NO ONE… will come at you with a knife like shown in this video. Traditional martial arts always utilize these same long distance, plenty-of-time-to-react attacks, whether it’s a punch, kick, or some type of weapon. It’s all BS. Just hit up YouTube — or better yet, BlueTube — for clips of real knife attacks. You will see right away that it looks nothing like this.

      So again, it’s not that moves like this are necessarily bad — though I do think the majority of them are overly complicated — they’re just being used at a bad time. Much like trying to use a screwdriver to pound in a nail, if you don’t use the correct tool for the job, you might find yourself in trouble. That’s why I am so committed to SDTS. [Damian Ross] has shaved everything down to the absolute bare minimum. We now have the very essence of self-defense, where one “technique” (I hesitate to even call them that) is the solution to multiple problems, i.e., non-specific defenses. This is the genius of the system and the reason I’m such a DR disciple… I’m literally using this stuff to ensure I get home to see my family every day. Do you think for one second I would rely on something that I didn’t know would work 99.999% of the time?

      Stay safe.

    • #13107
      Carlos Lozada

      Funny video like their knife defenses that would never work in a real situation unless the attacker is willing to throw themselves on the floor like idiots but other than that I like this video

    • #13114

      Lmao that reminded me of Jim Carey’s self defense instruction from “In Living Color”
      “Your attacking me wrong” LOL

    • #13115
      Dallas Williams

      “Furthermore, I can assure you that no one… and I mean NO ONE… will come at you with a knife like shown in this video.” James Goolsby

      For real, nobody with a knife is ever gonna attack you in a slow, predictable, controlled manner like they do in the martial arts world or movies. It’s more like the damn dreaded folsom prison style knifing where they come at you repeatedly stabbing toward your chest or gut with everything they’ve got. Hell just give any even 12 year old school girl a knife and if they have the intent to kill they can be just as deadly as Dan Inosanto or those other fillipino martial art experts. Weapons are game changers and equalizers and allow somebody like women or girls who under normal circumstances would be too weak or incapable of doing much damage with their bare hands to be lethal and that’s why as SDTS students we are taught to be the one with the weapon using it offensively and not the guy trying to defend against it whenever possible. For me the very last line of defense against a knife attack would be going against the attacker bare handed. If you can try to run, find things to put between yourself and the attacker or throw at him to buy you some time until you can either draw your own weapon or pick up an improvised one like a baseball bat, golf club, shovel, lol even a chair like Damian shows us in reality check, anything to give yourself the advantage of distance while still being able to do damage to him. Most important principle is no matter what means you’re using attack and eliminate the man instead of worrying about the weapon. Since you are a police officer James I seriously hope you never have to encounter such a situation that involves a man( or woman) trying to come after you with a knife or any other weapon for that matter. So glad Damian gives us, police military and civilians alike, the SDTS to be able to arm ourselves and prepare and train for the very worst situations possible should they happen we will at least be prepared with the best knowledge and skills possible that there is. Take care James and stay safe out there Smile !

    • #13116
      Dallas Williams
    • #13117
      Dallas Williams

      This is what we got to deal with in real life folks Cry

    • #13119
      James Goolsby

      @Dallas Williams said:

      Since you are a police officer James I seriously hope you never have to encounter such a situation that involves a man( or woman) trying to come after you with a knife or any other weapon for that matter. Smile !

      Thanks, brother. I can assure you, as amazing as Damian is and even with SDTS at my disposal, some scumbag pulls a blade on me I’m going to default to Glock-Fu first chance I get! Laugh

    • #13144

      Hey, I never said guns don’t work!!! Laugh

      The only option EVER is to end the fight as quickly as possible.

    • #13151
      James Goolsby

      @Damian Ross said:

      Hey, I never said guns don’t work!!! Laugh
      The only option EVER is to end the fight as quickly as possible.

      But… but… but… I thought you were Iron Man? (Or at least Batman Laugh)

    • #13182

      I’m Batman….but without the body armor I’m just Bruce Wayne.

    • #13185

      @Damian Ross said:

      I’m Batman….but without the body armor I’m just Bruce Wayne.

      D-man with more blades than batman can imagine. Lol.

    • #13194
      James Goolsby

      @Archie said:

      @Damian Ross said:
      I’m Batman….but without the body armor I’m just Bruce Wayne.

      D-man with more blades than batman can imagine. Lol.

      Yeah. Don’t think you can pull the wool over our eyes there, Mr. Bruce Wayne. We’ve seen the video and know EXACTLY how many knives you carry! LaughLaugh

    • #13196

      Watch out he’s wearing sleeves!

    • #13285


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