fighting mindset – The Self Defense Company

fighting mindset

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    • #10277

      hi, just a quick question, what is the right mindset for a fight? i ask this because i was a quite decent swimmer and have competed at australian national levels in the past and was always told the best mindset was self belief and to stay calm. now i have also found this mindset useful in a lot of other areas other than swimming, but i was wondering if it is even possible to stay calm in a fight and if not is aggression the next best thing???


    • #11244

      Competing at that level gives you a distinct advantage, you know how to train and you can handle stress.

      Now on to the fight. Your adrenaline will only allow you to do so much and you will not be able to stay calm, but you will need to focus your efforts. Think of it as the last leg, the last several meters of your race when you are giving every last bit of energy into every stroke. That’s a fight.

      The fight is not prolonged, before, when you think something may happen, just get to tactics, position and distancing. Your mind needs to work on something other than the “Is this guy going to kill me?” question. Once you decide you have to do something, you go and in the melee you only think of attack. No defend, no block- only attack.

      After, you clean your shorts. :D” title=”Laughing” />

    • #11247

      hi, just a couple of questions that i didnt want to start a whole other topic.

      1. when you say distancing is importan in a fight, this confuse me becuase i always thought that SDC techniques would work well in close. techniques like driving knee, chin jab, egde of hand, i though all of these would be well suited to inside punching range.

      2. ive been looking around for some online pdf versions of how to fight tough. just wondering if it can be found anywhere, and if anyone has that book if they would be able to put it into a pdf online format.


    • #11248

      1. In a perfect world you want to give yourself enough time to react, that is a direct function of distance. See enemy, position your self and attack the enemy.

      The close range, grappling, the grabs and holds are for when he get’s too close by either situation or lack of awareness.

      The techniques are your tools, you use them when you need them. You have to be able to adapt what you know to all situations and distances.

      Does that help?

      2. Check out the SDC Resource site it is here: … ement.html

      I think you can spend hours on this site…merry Christmas/happy holidays or whatever you you have.

    • #11249

      Hope I am not stepping on anybodies toes here sir!!!

      I do a lot of topic discussion on the development of the proper mindset on my site (see signature for direction).

      The one thing I can tell you right now is that it is not about competition – it is about survival. That is unless you are planning on going real time to gain experience as a tough guy.

      Once we come to grips with this one fact alone we beginning to understand that the event is not about winning, the event is not about fighting, it is about ending the event ASAP and surviving to live another day.

      Which means there are no rules, there is no fair and just play, it is straight balls to the walls, him – down – now. It is this attitude,[b:xsuy0uox]” I will bit your face off or die trying.”[/b:xsuy0uox]

      This is something that many martial artist and combat sport competitors never fully grasp and they get their behinds kick and die because of it every stinking [b:xsuy0uox]year[/b:xsuy0uox] after [b:xsuy0uox]year[/b:xsuy0uox], after [b:xsuy0uox]year.[/b:xsuy0uox]

      The second piece of advise I have for you regarding mind set is this:

      [b:xsuy0uox]DO NOT OVER COMPLICATE THE PROCESS[/b:xsuy0uox]. Self-defense/personal protection is not about cognitive skill process’es – it is about aggressive action.

      Remember, fighting ain’t smart to begin with – [b:xsuy0uox]”You Can Die.”[/b:xsuy0uox]

      In case you are not aware: forget the fine motor skill; you will not be able to track while the adrenal hormone is running through your veins.

      Forget the complex motor skill to:

      The only skills you can actually bank on (especially being uninitiated) are gross motor skills. Such as you find here. In point of fact they are the only ones that are not adversely effected by the release of the adrenal hormone – and depending on your particular training mechanism’s can actually be enhanced by it.


    • #11250

      Your right. When I help and instruct, I relate past experiences and successes to the process.

      The purpose of the analogy is about will. If you have the will to subject yourself to the hours of training it takes to compete on an elevated level, in there is the will to survive.

      Anyone who sacrifices hours of their life for years only needs to be pointed in the right direction.

      Now, it is true, I have known 5th degree, knock down karate fighters who couldn’t turn that over to the real world to save their own ass, but compared to the rest of the population, they have a hell of a head start.

    • #11257

      I agree and also disagree sir.

      Many atheletes, especially pure martial artist tend to over-complicate the situation. Plus our ability to compete in a closed environment does not guarentee our ability to respond in an open environment.

      I agree that training does help, especially the confidence level of the individual but we both know that the environments are extremely different.

      The will to committ real violence is no longer a natural reaction (thank God for society and law). We have both did our fair share of fighting and we both know that even on the street “real intent is often missing”

      This is competion – inflict enough pain to make the other back down – in order to ensure victory. “That is not violence.” That is Monkey Dancing.

      Competition, Monkey Dancing and Real Violence all hold different mindsets.

      Just something to ponder.

      P.S. Like the new design on the site – have been out of the loop for a few with computer problems. Brought 2 new ones (laptop and desktop) the site looks very clean, cutting edge and the header is spot on.

    • #11262

      I hear you.
      Like I said before, dedication to training does not guarantee success in the field, it only suggests a higher chance of success.

      Combat units still have a minority of percentage willing to actively engage the enemy.

      In the book Reading Athena

    • #11324


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