Guardian Defensive Tactics DVD set – The Self Defense Company

Guardian Defensive Tactics DVD set

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    • #10448

      Hi, I just got the Guardian Defensive Tactics dvd set and am very impressed with the first dvd so far.
      One quick question, during the segment on kicking the shin to de-stabilize your opponent, after a sequence of kicks you instruct the guys to stomp after the set. Why is this?

    • #11838

      1. To make sure your ass doesn’t fall down
      2. To stomp and smash whatever may wind up under your boot.

      It’s the same type of foot work from the SDTS.

    • #11842

      Got it, thanks Damian.

      Great material, I’ll be getting the SDTS next.

    • #11843

      Excellent. Then it all comes together. Because when shit goes sideways, the SDTS is the fail safe!

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