How about Multiple Attackers, Fighting in Your Car and Small Spaces – The Self Defense Company

How about Multiple Attackers, Fighting in Your Car and Small Spaces

Home Forums Tactics and Training Questions How about Multiple Attackers, Fighting in Your Car and Small Spaces

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    • #10629

      Damian what about:

      1) Multiple attacker defense training.
      2) Defending oneself while inside a car.
      3) Fighting in confined spaces.


      Al Carlos

      1. Multiple attackers- Covered in ALL Modules of the SDTS with special emphasis in Module 1, 3, 4 and 5.
      We assume EVERY SITUATION is a multiple attacker scenario. We also assume the attacker is armed, larger, stronger and determined.

      2. Check out SDTS Module 3 and Module 4 for extreme close quarters.

      3. confined spaces – Modules 3 and 4 again.

      The SDTS methods are adaptable (and have to be) to any and every situation because every scenario can be broken down to distance and position. Distance – how far you are from the initial threat and position, where you are in relation to your target.
      You’re either both:
      Standing at a distance where he has to shift his weight to touch you (in range)
      Standing at a close proximity where he doesn’t have to shift his weight to touch you (close range)
      He’s grabbing you (extreme close range)*
      He’s standing, you’re on the ground at range*
      He’s standing, you’re on the ground at close range*
      You’re in the mount, the guard or he has your back.*

      * means that both positions are interchangeable for you and the attacker.

      All other positions fall somewhere in between these and you’re SDTS training enables you to apply your core techniques to any position. As [James Goolsby] so aptly commented “What we do on our feet, we do on the ground.”

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