"If you build it... they will come." – The Self Defense Company

"If you build it… they will come."

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    • #10158

      Damian et al,

      I think I have been on board with SDC for I think about a year now. If not, I know it’s getting close. Even though I had to slow down at times or put it on hold at others to take care of other priorities in life, I look back at the road I’ve traveled and think, “wow how far we have come.” It seems like just yesterday when I was in Pompton Lakes for the first SDC seminar with my broken hand LOL! In no time at all, you have taken a fledgling idea to a worldwide network of instructors. I am glad that I have been along for the ride. Because of SDC, I have been able to take a life long passion and turn it into a reality. With a little more luck, I will hopefully be opening my second location soon but more importantly, my first dedicated SDC location along with TV commercials and a major marketing campaign. I consider myself one of the lucky ones living in a large city because success has come relatively easy here. However, this is not all luck of the big city. This is a testament to your program. At my first location where it was half SDC and half “something else”, I see students gravitating toward the SDC classes. They say they can see that it is much more “real” than other reality based systems. They like the physical nature of the training. They like the power they can generate in the strikes and the confidence they build. These are all things I am hearing from students. The bottom line is, once you really start teaching this stuff, it sells itself. I think moving from the 10 Lesson stuff and on to the SDTS curriculum has made a huge difference. Even the people that were just interested in the 10 Lesson stuff at first are now loving the SDTS curriculum. With just a little more luck, soon I might even be able to put my other company on “autopilot” and just teach SDC for my main source of income. I am proof that the SDC instructor program works with minimal effort, while still maintaining another job (or running another company like me), and maintaining a personal life. Trust me… “if you build it… they WILL come.” If you don’t believe me… feel free to come visit my training center in Houston, TX (and it’s not tiny). It will be the one on FM 1960 with the big freakin’ SDC logo on it!

      Clint B
      Houston, TX

    • #10915

      We, Mike and I, are working with Clint to hammer out the Training Center Model. Though I am a bit green with envy (16,000 square feet!!!!!!). We are planning the launch meeting this Friday at 10 am. It is exciting and we are trying our best to manage expectations.

      Once we get the details out, we’ll let you all know. Keep in mind, the because of the Self Defense Company Training Center name, it doesn’t pigeon hole you to just SC or one style, like as Krav Maga. Cling will be offering MMA and other forms of combative arts as well as using Module 7 of the SDTS as the format for their Combat PT program.

      This is going to be exciting. Mike and I are looking forward to traveling down there in the first quarter of 09!


    • #10921


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