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- This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 8 months ago by
Damian (Instructor).
June 8, 2010 at 1:37 pm #10493
InactiveFirst off let me say this to you and all the movie stars and sports stars and singing rich bastards. You can sit there and say we must thank the soldiers for fighting for our freedoms.
What a dick. They can’t hear you 7,000 miles away. What they would like is for you to show your real support and take your ass over there. This shit of thanking the soldiers is bullshit. For one thing they don’t chose were they fight. It’s the president and congress who should ask for support, because it’s their Jew loving asses who make that decision.
So Damian you want to take me on on that point? Get your gun or send your kids there or shut the fuck up.
They aren’t fighting to defend shit. We have destroyed Iraq and will create millions of deformed babies from the depleted uranium that is now in their ground water. After troops were sent there and the lies were discovered George Bush and the rest of the bastards who voted to send them there should have been hanged.
We have no reason to have troops anywhere, but on our fucking soil. I want to thank the troops for being a bunch of dumbasses and fighting for oil and drugs and the CIA, so I can stay here and make millions. That’s what you should say. Our troops have been used in every war the past 100 years. If you think differently I can educate you. Right now they are being used for the interests of Israel. Those Israeli bastards who attack innocent people. We should have troops in two places. In Israel and on our Southern border. -
June 8, 2010 at 3:45 pm #12187
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterMr. Kickassntakenames, thank you for taking the time to share your insights with the rest of the world. We can tell you are just a serious as your name implies.
There is a lot here so I just want to be clear.
1. We shouldn’t thank soldiers because they can’t hear us
2. We all should go to the front lines instead
3. Soldiers don’t choose where they fight
4. Everyone in the US government have a great affection towards people of the Jewish faith
5. I should pack up my shotgun and 9mm and go to the front lines
6. I should send my 8 and 5 year old children to fight in the war
7. The water in Iraq is contaminated with depleted Uranium
8. George Bush, Tony Blair, and every major power lied in order for us to get into the Iraq war.
9. We should remain isolationist when it comes to our foreign policy
10. The troops are dumb because they fight for drugs, oil and the CIA
11. You make millions ( I know you meant I make millions, but that’s not how it’s written)
12. Our troops have been placed in every war for the last 100 years
13. Israeli troops target and attack innocent people
14. We should have out troops on he southern border and in IsraelI have outlined your taking points below for discussion.
1. All armed forces have internet access and receive mail regularly so communication with them is quite easy.
2. Who will fund the war? We need taxes to fund our fighting. Taxes come from businesses. If we all decided to enlist, who will make the weapons, clothing, food and supplies needed to fight?
3. Soldiers DON’T chose where they fight, they chose to serve. May that’s a good reason to thank them.
4. It is a fact, Israel is an ally. But maybe because they are a democracy in a sea of totalitarian governments. But hey, you may be right, how can you not love the Jews? They’re just so darn quirky and cute. Hell, I loved Seinfeld, they must all be like that.
5. Maybe I should hop the next plane out of here and go shoot me some Arabs! Or I should just continue to train active military for FREE. I don’t know, your suggestion is compelling.
6. It’s hard, my 5 year old can barely hold the M16A2, but my 8 year old is a crack shot! I just hope they can pass he height requirement.
7. Where was the depleted uranium from? Were they setting up a nuclear plant or…WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION
8. If they all lied, how did we get depleted uranium in the water?
9. Yes, because we do not live in a global economy and events in the outside world have no real baring on our daily lives. Please look at your desk in the basement of your mom’s house and tell me how many items were made in the US?
10. This would make the troops ignorant not dumb because they have no input as to where or why they fight (see your point number 3.)
11. Thanks, I wish.
12. That’s true, but it’s really been longer than that! Check out what Thomas Jefferson did as Secretary of State in 1790.
13. Those pesky Jews again, don’t they ever learn? Heck, a bomb vest is a fashion statement, not an act of war.
14. Is Israel in the US? Your point number 9 and I quote “We have no reason to have troops anywhere, but on our fucking soil.” Then you say “We should have troops in two places. In Israel and on our Southern border.” So which is it? Troops stay home or not? I guess if we’re oppressing and killing Jews it’s OK to bend the rules.I want to thank you for your post. It is eye opening and you’re right. Time to pack up the kids and the arsenal and catch the next AIR AMERICA charter out of here. It is clear you are an extremely intelligent and enlightened person.
Thank you,
Damian or would you prefer “AZZKICKER” or something like that? -
June 8, 2010 at 5:03 pm #12189
Damian (Instructor)
Keymaster1. All armed forces have internet access and receive mail regularly so communication with them is quite easy.
2. Who will fund the war? We need taxes to fund our fighting. Taxes come from businesses. If we all decided to enlist, who will make the weapons, clothing, food and supplies needed to fight?
3. Soldiers DON’T chose where they fight, they chose to serve. May that’s a good reason to thank them.
4. It is a fact, Israel is an ally. But maybe because they are a democracy in a sea of totalitarian governments. But hey, you may be right, how can you not love the Jews? They’re just so darn quirky and cute. Hell, I loved Seinfeld, they must all be like that.
5. Maybe I should hop the next plane out of here and go shoot me some Arabs! Or I should just continue to train active military for FREE. I don’t know, your suggestion is compelling.
6. It’s hard, my 5 year old can barely hold the M16A2, but my 8 year old is a crack shot! I just hope they can pass he height requirement.
7. Where was the depleted uranium from? Were they setting up a nuclear plant or…WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION
8. If they all lied, how did we get depleted uranium in the water?
9. Yes, because we do not live in a global economy and events in the outside world have no real baring on our daily lives. Please look at your desk in the basement of your mom’s house and tell me how many items were made in the US?
10. This would make the troops ignorant not dumb because they have no input as to where or why they fight (see your point number 3.)
11. Thanks, I wish.
12. That’s true, but it’s really been longer than that! Check out what Thomas Jefferson did as Secretary of State in 1790.
13. Those pesky Jews again, don’t they ever learn? Heck, a bomb vest is a fashion statement, not an act of war.
14. Is Israel in the US? Your point number 9 and I quote “We have no reason to have troops anywhere, but on our fucking soil.” Then you say “We should have troops in two places. In Israel and on our Southern border.” So which is it? Troops stay home or not? I guess if we’re oppressing and killing Jews it’s OK to bend the rules.
First off I have read more about The Boer Wars, WWI, WWII than you will read about in Karate magazines. I know how bad we were robbed in those wars.
1 Soldiers have to do what they are told. If they learned the truth and it sunk in they would go AWOL by the thousands. Because when you go to a country and destroy it for no reason, then what difference does it make if you get a dishonorable discharge.
2 Those ignorant pilots that dumped hundreds of tons of bombs on German women and children and completely leveled all those German cities. They sit in their VFW sucking down cheap beer and still don’t have a clue they killed millions of women and children by bombing cities. I believe many relatives learn the truth, but don’t have the heart to tell them.
3 Dude, you don’t know why we are having all this trouble in the Middle East. When they commit the next 9/11 all of our soldiers will be gone and they are going to send in U.N. troops. A Russian or Chinese soldier won’t give a shit about the people in this country. The government figures our troops won’t turn against it’s own people. It makes sense when was the last war we had against Englsh speaking people? This is going to happen.
4 Israel is an ally? Dude, go read about the Lavon Affair and The U.S.S. Liberty and get back with me. PLEASE! read something God damn it! Jews created Communism and no doubt killed some of your ancestors. In fact they have done so much against this country I will only list one. They committed 9/11. If you want I’ll explain.
5 No what you could do is learn the truth. Talking to you is just like talking to someone who gets all their info from TV. Has the TV told you about all the Iraqi deformed kids or the ground water poisoned with depleted uranium? Google: Iraqi deformed babies.
6 I don’t know how old your kids. But just keep telling them to watch the Jewish TV with all the fags shit they push and lesbos and then when they get 18 they’ll be so fucked up you can tell them the Arabs are bad and Jews are good and to go get them ragheads.
7 This is good. Where is the depleted uranium from? It is used in our munitions and armor on tanks and armored personnel carriers. It is 1.5 times heavier than lead. When one of our shells blows up the shit goes everywhere like bits of sand. Dude, with that one you really proved how much you know. So I expect an apology and maybe…sorry types sheepishly, because just learned about even what depleted uranium was. Thought it must of been from their weapons. Once again I apologize.
8 The depleted urnaium runs into the streams, rivers, and seeps into the ground. Their ground water is fucked up and we are responsible. Just like the napalm in Vietnam the govenrment tried to hide for a long time.
12 Actually James Monroe said hands of any conflicts outside our hemisphere.
13 Poor Jews? Go back and read 3 again.
14 Your problem guy is you are so liberal and you don’t know much. Where did depleted uranium come from? Killing and opressing Jews? They created Communism and killed 65 million Eastern Europeans. The fact is after WWII millions came to this country and they neglected to tell the immigration people they were members of the Communist party. This means every single one should be deported. Maybe you don’t care about Commies who have murdered innocent people by the millions walking in your country, but it concerns me.
So, first…Please, go learn about the depleted uranium. Then go read about what the Jews have done. Here’s one site you can learn. http://www.jewwatch.com
When you respond tell us why there was a Boer War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea and Iraq. I say it again, we should have troops on our soil and Israel. The reason I say Israel, because whenever they start trouble the speculators raise the price of oil. The world burns over a trillion gallons of gas every year. If it raises the price of gas $1 a gallon for just three months you can see the cost to the world, because fuel affects everything and everywhere.
I don’t want to get in an argument about Israel, because I know you would say it was their land 2,000 years ago. Yeah, let everyone go back 2,000 years and demand their land back after it was lost in battle. We would be heading back to Europe. That probably wouldn’t be a bad idea. -
June 8, 2010 at 5:20 pm #12190
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterSeriously, how do you really feel about the Jews?
June 8, 2010 at 7:47 pm #12191
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterI’ve read books written by Chruchill, Hitler, Goebbels, Stalin, Patton and I’ve read every single piece of information at http://www.jewwatch.com http://www.natvan.com http://www.codoh.com http://www.vho.org http://www.ihr.org Now just go to those sites and consider the books Ive read and I’ve read every single piece of info at those sites. Just go to http://www.jewwatch.com and just look at all the subjects and you’ll say fluck that dude is well read. You see the Jews control the media, government, banks and education in our country and it’s why we never get the truth.
Maybe the fact we attacked a country for nothing and then destroyed their land and have basically made it inhabitable for 500 years doesn’t bother you. But you cry for people who created Communism and stole Palestine. Oh wait…you’ll probably say, hey they are semites and they owned the land 2,000 years ago. But Russians Jews aren’t Semitic. Only Spanish Jews the ones who during the Spanish Inquisition hauled arse to Holland. This is why this place has legal drugs and legal prostitution.
Now some people might say nothing wrong with legal prostitution, but I bet it would cost you about $200 to frig one of them. So all it does is bring a lot of people who want to frig. I can bet you this means there are a lot of women who do it illegally for $50. Making it legal solves no problems, because most local yocals aren’t going to pay $200 for some pussy. My ex-wife I could ahve made a fortune letting her fuck and suck. Another missed opportunity. -
June 8, 2010 at 8:06 pm #12192
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterDamian, ehy dude I don’t like to embarass people. The next time you want to discuss shoot me an email. Because I would say you know more about karate and I know more about everything else. I’ve worked on the water and in the families seafood business since I was 7. I’ve fished and crabbed in Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina, Florida and South Carolina. I’ve worked in a Black Smith shop, welded, carpentry work, drove a truck and done a lot of reading. I make knives and machetes. You shoot me me $400 and I’ll make you a nice kitchen knife. You can think of me as you cut up your veggies.
June 8, 2010 at 8:08 pm #12193
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterSure I watch tv, but I also just happen to have a degree in international relations from lehigh university. But I’m sure you learned so much more in the handful of books you read.
Now that you have my attention. I need to ask you a few questions.
Did the holocaust happen?
Was 9/11 staged by our government?
What happened in Roswell?
Who killed kennedy?
Thanks in advance.
June 8, 2010 at 10:04 pm #12196
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterOK, dude you want to be civil, then ok, but I have to say you would be the first person that went from acting ignorant to actually asking questions. I’m intrigued.
Bradley Smith asks the people who ask this…what is the holocaust? I’ll explain. You have to go back to the beginning. The Jews always hated the Russians, because the Russians like everyone else got sick and tired of their business practices since time began. So the Czar said they had to stay beyond the pale and couldn’t practice business in St., Petersburg and Moscow. It pushed them almost out of Russia. Great! If you can tell the difference between a Ukraine and a Russian you win a prize. So this pissed the Jews off. So thye were assassinating Russians and startign shit. It wasn’t until the 1905 war between Japan and Russia. The Jews gave the Japs money and, but not the Russians. So the Russians lost. The Jews tried their revolution. It failed. Where did they go? Why to Germany and the USA.
Then a Jew assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife. The Austrians wanted the Serbs to hand over the Jew who killed them, but you can bet the Jews were involved. So they said fuck you. So then all then Austria had a pact signed with Germany, so the sides started squaring off. The Jews finally had what they wanted. They got things going to a war. The Russians fought for a while, but they just wanted to take control of Russia Lenin went to New York and got 20 million dollars from Jacob Schiff. (His Grandson is married to Al Gore’s daughter). Anyhow Lenin and 225 Jews from New York left to go to Russia to overthrow the government. They went into Germany and the Germans gave them safe passage. They wanted to take Russia out of the war. Oh, how this came to bite them later. Yeah we’ll just pawn the Jews off onto our enemies, but they also have white faces. Anyhow Lenin took Russia out of the war. Germany was entrenched with the French and the German U boats had the English within a week of starvation. So Germany offered England peace. They said, let’s go back to the way things were before the war and England was about to agree, but a Jew named Balfour stepped in and they said, fuck the Germans. If you promise us Palestine we’ll drag America into the war. So it was done. The war could have been over, but the Jews started working on Woodrow Wilson. So they declared war on Germany for the sinking of the Lusitania and also another ships had been sunk in the English Channel. But we were supplying England with munitions, so they were right in sinking the ship. So they went to war and Germany lost.
But here’s the kicker. During the treaty signing at Versailles the Jews came and they said OK you got to keep your promise. The Germans said you common bastards, because of you we lost the war and had to say we were responsible. They didn’t liek the Jews much.
Then you have WWII that had to start because Germany was starving. The only difference was by WWII they have created better tanks, planes and bombs. This is how they compelltely destroyed all the German cities and the death toll was 7 times higher.
The camps were used to put the Jews to work. Some where just transfer stations. Auschqitz was a rubber plant. The fact is the camps have been examined by numerous people and they all found conclusively gas chambers were not used there and they couldn’t have been based on how the camps were designed. You have to remember the Jews took thirty years after WWII to cry holocaust. Why? Because thye spent 30 years going around killing all the SS men and Red Cross nurses. You couldn’t have thosuands of eyewtinesses calling the Jews liars, so eliminate them.
So the answer is no the holocaust is a hoax. In fact I’ve offered to challenge and Jew to a televised debate and they won’t do it. Why debate it when all you have to do is make movies about it and we know movies are never wrong. -
June 8, 2010 at 10:18 pm #12197
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterSo in short, you believe the holocaust never happened.
How about the other questions? Your very focused on the Jews, what about the Kennedy assassination or 9/11? This will allow us to establish a baseline for your train of thought.
June 8, 2010 at 10:26 pm #12198
Damian (Instructor)
Keymaster9/11 was committed by the Israeli MOssad. They were the ones pretending to be Arabs going around to flight schools and going around and dropping clues leading to Arabs. Larry Silverstein leased the trade towers seven weekes prior to 9/11. Why did the port authority lease them to him? The fact is the trade towers were full of asbestos. It had to be removed. At a cost of mega millions. Actually it would have been better to demolish them. So this Silverstein leased the towers and along with the Isralei MOssad they told the other Jews in the buidling what they were going to do. So two Israeli companies who had been there for years hauled arse. They laced the towers with explosives. These dudes knew what they were doing. They ahd thermite in the building and high power cutter charges. The dynamite was set of with remote control. If you look at the videos you can see the explosives going off and the buildings coming down.
You might ask why. 9/11 did a lot of things. 1 Larry Silverstein was paid 3.5 billion. 2 The president already had the Patriot ACt written up and ready. In a vault in the trade towers was several tons of gold that vanished. The reason they took out tower seven was in that building was all the information for the Enron investigation. IRS evidence against rich Jews and other paper work.
So they take out the towers, blame Arabs, many CIA made millions shorting stock on those airlines and the government got their plan in place for martial law the very next time something happens. So 9/11 was staged by the Israeli Mossad and our government conveniently cleared out of Washington(George Bush had to be at that school that morning) George Bush should be hanged.The fact is the Israeli Mossad are the ones who have blown all the planes out of the sky the last 40 years and they always blame the Arabs. The Israelis took out flight TWA 800. Jews don’t care about anyone. Did they care about all the German babies and women killed in the German cities? Did they care about the Japanese killed with the atomic bomb?
IN Roswell I have heard things that I will say, but I don’t even believe. I have heard from credible people and you might want to sit down for this…They say that there are reptillians on our planet and they are under the Denver airport and that the FBI had a shoot out with them. But like I say I don’t even believe that. But there are some people who claim we have contact with aliens. They say their are aliens on this planet. But the government doesn’t want us to know, because we might have civil unrest. But I’m not buying it. I believe out there the government was using that area to test aircraft and they have advanced aricraft. When they tell us about something it was created ten years ago.
In fact our ,ilitias have waited too long. They let the govenrment perfect their weapons. These militia think they can take on the governemnt, but they have acosutic weapons, lasers, micro wave weapons and they claim they can even see through the walls of your home and we know they have heat seeking vision.
Kennedy had many enemies. The mafia because of the casinos closed in Cuba. The Jews mainly because he was going to issue money backed by gold. This is what got Mckinley, Garfield and Lincoln shot. So my guess is it was the Jews. The mafia if you’ll notice the government always takes them out. Oswald didn’t shoot Kennedy. I’ve seen a photo of Oswald standing in the front doorway as Kennedy’s limo passed by. He was a patsy. He knew he was being set up and he hauled arse. I have ehard many theories. But I beleive Kennedy was shot from the storm drain. You see the limo driver was told to slow down at that spot. They had other shooters. But that’s my guess. The mafia hated Kennedy, but they can’t even kill Cops when the heat is on. They know not to kill Cops, so you think they can kill a president? I don’t think so. Only Jews kill presidents. In fact Booth was a Jew. -
June 8, 2010 at 10:31 pm #12199
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterIf you go to http://www.jewwatch.com http://www.natvan.com http://www.ihr.org http://www.codoh.com http://www.vho.org and you were to read everything you would know more about the Jews than 99% of the people in this country. http://www.jewwatch.com has a wealth of info. The guy who owns it is a librarian. Also, http://www.onethirdoftheholocaust.com has some very good videos in there that explain their lies.
Every year Germany fines or imprison around 15,000 people who question the holcoaust. If you are just a Joe you get a fine. If you are Ernst Zundel or Germar Rudolph you go to prison. The Jews can’t allow the Germans to learn the truth. If the germans learn the truth the Jews are screwed.
June 8, 2010 at 10:36 pm #12200
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterIf the holocaust you mean gas chambers, then no it is a hoax. Yes, the Germans put them on trains. But just work camps. No gas chambers. The Jews say gas chambers because that seems horrible. If they said they shot us people would say so what who cares.
Have you ever heard Auschwitz had a swimming pool for the inmates? Have you heard the inmates were allowed to receive mail? Some had visitations. Many Jews left Auschwitz and went to other camps. The breakdown at the end of the war was because Germany had been bombed to bits.
Why was zyklon-B there. It wa used in delousing chambers. They used it to kill lice. Zyklion-B is an insecticide. There are many things they could ahve done that would have worked, but zyklon-B can’t even work on humans unless you are able to wait for hours. -
June 9, 2010 at 3:56 am #12201
InactiveI love you guys, I really do. Calling you all crack pots is offensive to those with real mental problems and are paranoid. I never judge someone for their believe system or ideology here, because the self defense company trains everyone. We supply the training and you can be intolerant or racist on your own time. At the end of the day I really don’t care, unless you try to hurt those close to me, and well you will regret it.
About the only thing you did say that was correct is Germany along with other European countries does have laws preventing people from debating the Holocaust. Is that right? No I don’t think so, but it reminds me just how important the right of free speech really is, and that you have to hope that people have common sense.
Oh by the way real Nazis would never have denied killing millions to provide breeding space for the master race, though after talking with folks like you I really think they were off when they came to that concept of racial superiority. Come on aren’t you proud that your spiritual founders killed millions of innocent women and children. That isn’t counting those killed by police and those starved too death. Why don’t you admit that killing Jews is okay with you? Maybe you’re a white separatist who just doesn’t want to live near anyone different, but you don’t want to get your hands dirty.
Now before you start ranting about me being a liberal or not educated in the ways of the world I’d like you to know I believed all this crap at one point too. Well maybe not everything I wasn’t that stupid, but I knew one of the insiders of the National Alliance, and she and I had plans to settle down together and prepare for civil unrest. We wrote articles together and shared ideas about weapons and survival tactics, and even our plans for what to do when society clasped. Than something happen, I didn’t see the light, but rather I simply grew up.
Hate blinds you to all that is really out there in the world both good and bad. Do I get along with everyone, hell no, but I respect them enough when I’m around them until I can get away from them.
Guys like you though sit around and spin these complex tales of why the world is the way it is. You blame the Jews, the Free Masons, the communists, and even when there was a time when people like me were willing to listen you realize there is no substance to your arguments, and I say that as historian. Love to hop on you band wagon, but there isn’t any real proof to this vast conspiracy. Sorry to be the one to break this to you, but the sorry state of your life right now is largely your own fault.
That’s right you can blame the Jewish bankers all you want, but the stock market crashed for everyone. Couldn’t get a house, well that will happen when your credit score is bad.
We didn’t win Vietnam, well the communists fought hard and wanted it more.
9-11 couldn’t have been some vast Zionist conspiracy, because someone would have talked. Never mind controlled demolitions works differently than what we saw happen, and jet fuel does burn hot enough to melt steel. I’m still trying to figure out exactly how the war is benefiting this secret cabal, but I’m sure you have some answer. Me I would think if this whole underground superpower filled with bankers, communists and intellectuals (those are people who read and go to college) would manage to learn how to win a war. After all according to you they’ve had practice.
So in closing the Reich would have fallen apart even if they did win, and didn’t run that well for the time it did exist. You’re right 6 million probably didn’t die, many more were murdered, and nobody in the Nazi regime denied it. Zyklon-B was made to kill rats and actually created by a Jew prior to the war.
9-11 happen because we didn’t take a very real threat seriously and a group of fanatics did the bidding of a religious fundamentalist with delusions of building an empire. You know the type your people followed someone like that once, and it worked out so well the last time.
Also it doesn’t take much to go sieg heil in your buddy’s basement, but try it in the mild of the yard or in a neighborhood where your the minority. I doubt you have the balls, but I know you don’t have the brains.
My family sacrificed a lot to deal with fascists once before and I’ll be damned if I let you people get away with anything on my watch.
June 9, 2010 at 12:12 pm #12203
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterNJScribe, I had a whole long paragraph written for you explaining the whole deal. But the damn electric blinked off for two seconds and the whole thing got wipe clear and I didn’t feel like doing it again. I told Damian go to http://www.jewwatch.com and http://www.natvan.com and read everything. Then read Destruction of Dresden and Germany Must Perish.
You see I wasn’t in Europe during the war. I have spoken with people who were there. I have spoken with two German men and one German women. The German women was pregnant at the time and she said she was raped 80 times by Russians.
You said that in Germany you can’t question the holocaust. That is the only thing you stated that made sense. The rest you stated because you really don’t understand the whole deal. You understand bits and pieces. Go to those web sites and read every single thing. Then we can talk. Read the books and then we can talk. But right now I would have to go back to 1848 with the Communist Manifesto and explain everyhting to you. I really don’t feel like it. Almost all the time I have to go back and explain the whole deal to someone. But why? I read the books. I’ve spoken with the people, but people like you won’t read shit. You get your info from the TV. So then you start with the stupid stuff like “You might do this in your home, but you wouldn’t do it in the streets”
You think I don’t know what would happen? I’ve been reading this shit for 25 years. I’ve looked at if from all sides. The world has been going straight to hell since WWII.
Now I’ve got to address some of your message. You claimed you knew someone in the National Alliance? Who was it, because I have met a few of them. You say you were involved and then you grew up? Were you in diapers and then grew pubic hair? No, what happened was it might have gotten boring to you. Maybe you discovered hip hop? Maybe this women and you had a falling out. You see whenever someone learns the truth and then goes against what they learned it’s because of a failure in them. You wanted to go to bars and drinks and screw whores. Maybe this woman caught you with dope? I would say something went wrong and now you attack someone who has read more about it and has been to rallies. Did you ever meet Matt Koehl, James Ring, Barbara Layton, Bill and Linda Jones? I was with these people and there was falling outs, but you don’t say screw it and join the enemy. I know one guy that went and stayed with Matt Koehl and did lots of things for them. Then Barabara turned against this guy and started running her mouth. She supposedly had kids with George Rockwell.
I started learning this stuff when I was 19 I went to join the Klan. Five others didn’t show. At this time all I knew was I didn’t like Blacks. IU started reading things. It wasn’t until I was 28 I even learned about Hitler, because the klan tried to distance themselves from Hitler. My friend told me one day about Hitler and I said, Hitler was kind of crazy wasn’t he? He said, it’s all a lie. So I started reading. All I got from my history teacher was the Jews were killed in gas chambers and nothing else.
The difference between me and you is I learned and kept on reading. I never4 grow tired trying to educate people. Why? Because WWII was when evil took control of the world. Right after that we started with drugs, porn and the world went the wrong path.
Today half the girls are lesbians and many guys turn queer, because girls get treated like shit and they say screw guys I will lay down with another women who will love me. This takes many girls out of the equation and it creates more queers which creates more lesbos. On some dating sites half the girls are looking for other girls.
I’ve read all about WWI and WWII. I know the Jews created both of them. They destroyed Europe. Because Europe would not sit back and let the Jews do it freely. I suggest you go to those sites I listed and read some more.
I don’t just blame the Jews I give proof. I give the proof so people like you will learn and inform others. One thing I have tried for a couple years is to get these dissidents to start talking about the millions of mass graves in Eastern Europe. The mass graves they discover every now and then and the Jews take control and hide everything. They did it recently in Odessa, Ukraine.
I wrote a piece and Henry Makow posted it on his web site. http://www.henrymakow.com The piece at the bottom about what the Communist Jews and mass graves.
“9-11 couldn’t have been some vast Zionist conspiracy, because someone would have talked. Never mind controlled demolitions works differently than what we saw happen, and jet fuel does burn hot enough to melt steel. I’m still trying to figure out exactly how the war is benefiting this secret cabal, but I’m sure you have some answer. Me I would think if this whole underground superpower filled with bankers, communists and intellectuals (those are people who read and go to college) would manage to learn how to win a war. After all according to you they’ve had practice. “
Someone would have talked? Dude, they are talking now you must be living under a rock. Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura, and tons of experts from around the world. All the dissident web sites have stuff everyday about this. controlled demolitions work differently? All I saw was flashes of bombs going off. Explosives only work one way. They explode, but some have a lot more speed. Jet fuel melts steel? Dude, you just proved you don’t know anything. Do you even know what Jet fuel is? It’s kerosene. It’s not some magical fuel that burns at 5,000 degrees. Look it up. Then take a beem of steel and keep throwing kerosene burning on it for hours and hours. and see if it melts. If you’ve ever used a cutting torch you’ll notice that thick steel it takes a lot of time to make it red with the flame directly applied to the steel. It isn’t until the steel is orange red and you hit the oxygen that it starts to melt. Why? Because the temperature goes from 2,000 degrees to 5,000 degrees in an instant. an open flame won’t burn much hotter than 2,000 degrees. Unless you have oxygen feeding a flame. Just like at Black Smith with something in the coals It will get very hot, but you hit the bellows and add oxygen and it gets a lot hotter. The steel will get white hot. I worked in a Black Smith shop.
In fact take a thin piece of steel about 1/8th inch thick and place under a flame from burning kerosene and see if it melts. It won’t you could add a fan blowing on it, but it won’t work. The metal has to be buried in coals or it has to have the flame and oxygen together like a cutting torch. I’ve worked in a Black Smith shop and a welding shop and I know.
You just proved you thought kerosene was some kind of very hot burning liquid, But it’s just kerosene. Very clean clear kerosene.
The war benefits people who first want a distraction. Second the rich sell war materials.
So explain what kind of falling out you had? Did you put out literature and get into trouble? Did you discover if you talked about it to people they ridiclued you and you noticed you couldn’t have many friends. Sure you’ll experience all this. I’t shard to keep your mouth shut when you learn the truth. You want to spend hours explaining to someone. I used to do it for hours, but what’s the use. Put out literature and let it go. Just like I’m trying to explain it to you and you claim to already have been there. What’s the use. I have spent a lot of time and shouldn’t do it.
All of our lives are affected by what happened in Germany during WWII. If the Germans had whipped the Commies the rest of Europe wouldn’t have had to endure it. Russia and the rest would have been free. The Jews would have lost their grip on this country they gained with the Federal Reserve and the control of educaiton and the control of the media and the control of the banks.
Maybe this doesn’t mean shit to you, but the reason 9/11 hasn’t had the Israelis arrested and George Bush is because the FBI is headed by a Zionist Jew (Chertoff) His is a jew and he took the reigns from Freeh who was also a Jew. Our CIA is headed by another Jew Feinstein I believe is is name. The OSI is headed by a Jew. They are the ones who go after old Eastern Europeans who came here after the war and though they did nothing they are deported to Europe. You got to read about John Demenyak. That poor man the Kikes have really screwed him.
They did this all the same time millions of former Communist Jews walk freely in our counrey and they have murdered people. When they immigrated here they lied on their immigration papers about the Communist party and so they should all be deported. Could a countyr like ours go to hell, because millions of former commies are here? You think?
So if this lady you were associated with and you had sex and she called you short cock or minute man, please don’t take that and use it against us.
June 10, 2010 at 1:12 am #12214
InactiveLOL…..If you the example of the typical Aryan warrior in the 21st century the Zionist really don’t have much to worry about.
I don’t really care what some ignorant moron has to say about global politics much less conspiracies. You think if you spew enough trash it will some how become true. Some how you’re the enlightened group that really knows what is going on in the world. Now that is funny.
Keep reading, because you clearly don’t understand what the hell you’re talking about. I read all the crap you’re talking about and trust me none of it pans out. Matter of perspective and if your anti-Semite or a bigot it all makes sense to you.
Ah and I think your mistaken about the female situation. I’m sure most women would rather date a girl than be with you, but that doesn’t make them lesbians. Though I always wonder why white supremacists are all most always only guys and they only hang out with guys in the woods. Well one can speculate on that whole gay thing.
Wow I’m shocked to find out you’re a member of the klan. Really smart carrying a torch and a lose fitting robe. Hitler was crazy and most likely would have been found criminally insane, but the morons who followed him like yourself are the dangerous ones. You know better and you still do evil. Well they did you’re just talking on some forum while others actually fight for what they believe in.
As to Val well she’s still out there or doing time. I’m sure if she still is into the life, but I hope she got smarter. I read her literature and the propaganda and it is all very appealing if you put aside common sense.
Also I’m a firefighter and I’m tired of amateurs like you trying to explain your bullshit theories about 9-11. Also watch Penn and Teller’s episode of Bullshit on 911 and the history channel documentary on the conspiracy theories. The poke holes in all of this bull you’re spewing, but wait let me guess they were all put together by Jews right?
I probably wrote some of the literature you marveled at, it is pretty easy if you don’t think when you write it and aren’t to concern with the truth. Oh General Donovan wasn’t Jewish, but if he was the vast majority of OSS not the OSI you moron were white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, but I’m sure if you look hard enough you’ll find a Jew somewhere.
So go forth and be secure in this, you’ll lose, and that is always what happens with fanatics with a cause like yours. Might take awhile to get rid of you all, but it will happen, and until it does you’ll go through life as a loser.
All I ask is keep buying the company’s products and if you do show up to one of the training secessions I look forward to showing you what it is really like for a victim.
June 10, 2010 at 1:59 am #12218
InactiveMy ex-wife I could ahve made a fortune letting her fuck and suck. Another missed opportunity.
Wow you’re an ignorant racist who wastes his time surfing the net reading things written by other bigots, and you don’t like hard work, and she left all that? Btw I’ve met very smart people who happen to be racists, but you’re a moron who happens to believe this crap, so I don’t think people are stupid for being racist, but there are just stupid people like you.
June 10, 2010 at 12:33 pm #12219
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterWhat a pussy. I was involved in the movement, but I saw the light. Punk let me tell you something. I joined in 1981. I’ve read so much stuff if you started now it would take you five hours a day for the next five years.
You see I have seen it all. What happened to you is you fell in love with puerto Rican or you would tell people what was really going on in the world and not what the TV tells you, but you noticed it is such a minute amount of people who would even care. You noticed it cost you friends. The firemen wouldn’t want you around if you talked such nonsense.
For one you’d lose your job. Maybe your fat girlfriend. I know your family will not want to have anything to do with you if you talk about what’s going on, because it all has to relate to something. WWII has to relate to Hitler and National Socialism. It was not fascism that was Italy.
So I’m wondering how much you really know, because you keep making mistakes. I’ve seen klansmen and Nazis or whatever you want to label them when they are sick and tired of the crap and want to do something. Then after they go to a couple rallies and the fun is over and they have to actually put out literature and use their time, car and gas and then they talk to people and the people call them crap and a freak and then they do like you. They just want the fun lighting crosses.
Maybe you spread the legs on some Sheboon. Maybe you wanted friends more than the truth. Maybe your family said take a hike. Or you’re lazy and don’t want to put out literature. But it’s one of them.
You see people like John Brown and some of the people you see on TV who actually go to help the Blacks are really losers. They lost the will to fight, because they have fewer friends and after a while they figure it’s just easier to take a neutral stance or even go to the liberal side, because the liberals will attack you if they know you’re a person who is a member of anything that goes agains their agenda.
You keep spewing your crap about me, but you were once on this side. Something made you change. Sure you’ll say the stuff is ridiculous. That it’s all lies. What were you so stupid once you followed ignorant stupid people and then you grew a brain?
Dude, I’ve seen it all. I’ve been to klan rallies in Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee and I’ve been to many right wing rallies. I know your kind. “Oh, I was once one your side and I wrotr some of the stuff you idolized.”
Why don’t you spit it out and say why you changed your mind? Was it somethign you read. Somethign someone said? Someone beat you up, because of your views? Because I ain’t buying the crap that all of a sudden we are completely wrong and the lesbos, fags, Blacks, Commies, Mexicans are suddenly right.
You can’t have it both ways. Just say, “I’m a punk and I want friends and it’s just not popular to believe in that stuff. I used to hang around guys with those SS tattoos and the shaved heads and we always got into bullshit. I’m just sick of it NOW leave me alone so I can sit and listen to my hip hop records and go out chillin with my homeys you racist bigot.”
You pathetic piece of crap. Just tell the truth, but don’t go attacking someone who knows way on more than you ever did.
The Blacks cry and the Jews cry, but when you take into account all the wars the past 500 years. All the Whites raped and murdered in the western countries and the millions Communism tortured and killed it’s not even close to who has done the most suffering in the amount of timer and sheer numbers. The Chinese have had to endure Communism the past 50 years and they are second in line to complain.
Yeah, maybe you felt sorry for the Blacks and you just can’t cheer for the Blacks making 20 million to dribble a basketball with Lightning Bolt tattoos.
So if you want to respond tell the real reason you joined the other side? Spit it out boy.
Hitler was an artist. Hitler brought Germany out of the worst depression there ever was. He was responsible for creating the Volkswagon. He put the Germans to work and they bypassed the jewish banks by bartering with other countries, because if money is so inflated it takes a wheelbarrow to buy a loaf of bread what’s it good for? You trade someone a ton of coal for a ton of beef. The Jews got pissed and would have none of it and they started a world war.
The reason a house that used to cost $10,000 in 1940 and now it costs $250,000 is because gold doesn’t back our money anymore. They just print all they want. It becomes worthless. So the house didn’t get more expensive, it just takes lots more of worthless money to buy it.
During times of depression the poor can’t afford anything. The rich it’s no big deal. It’s how they control us. Make our money worthless and wars.
June 10, 2010 at 2:03 pm #12220
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterAre there a small group of people who “rule” the world?
OF COURSE!!!Are there a small group of people who run every industry in the world?
You bet your ass!!!This is how the world works. Every industry and government has leaders and yes decisions are made with out your little input. So instead of whining about it on the internet, what do you plan to do?
What is the next step? Are you mustering troops and purchasing arms to stage a coup?
Are you putting together a production company to take Hollywood by storm?
What is your plan of action?
Oh and one more thing about history and books…(it’s subjective).
History is written by the people with the loudest voice (usually the winners). There is no such thing as absolute history.There has to come a point in your life where common sense and accountability kicks in. It’s easy to point the finger at another group and blame them for your hard times.
Let’s face the cold hard truth:
1. Even if there was a vast conspiracy, other than whining about it on the net, you are not going to do a damn thing. More important, you are not going to CHANGE a damn thing. I’m know Tim Mcveigh had some big aspirations and I sure as hell think Binladen and Co had a plan as well. But life goes on and the machine keeps on grinding it out.
2. History and facts are shaped by the people responsible for writing it. For every point there’s a counter point and the debate goes on. At the end of the day, it’s mental masturbation and serves a distraction. MAYBE that information is meant to distract you while evil forces run the world!!!
3. The few will always govern the many. This is how shit gets done. If everyone had a voice and an equal opinion this place would turn into a “Lord of the Flies” remake real quick. Shit, I’d probably sell a lot more systems!!This topic is now closed.
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