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- This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 8 months ago by
June 8, 2010 at 2:48 am #10492
InactiveI’m a day late. My apologies. Yesterday, June 6th, commemorates D-Day and invasion of Normandy on June 6th, 1944.
I can’t say it any better than Ronald Reagan:
It’s hard to pick out specific quotes from a Reagan speech because just about every word he says is a great quote, but here’s a few to think about:
[quote:38fe4crs]”These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war.”[/quote:38fe4crs]
[quote:38fe4crs]”There is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest.”[/quote:38fe4crs]
[quote:38fe4crs]”The only territories we hold are memorials like this one, and graveyards where our heroes rest.”[/quote:38fe4crs]
But wait, there’s more!
As an added bonus, here’s a former Marine creating a memorable moment at a Georgia Tea Party event:
Here is the verse to the Star Spangled Banner he was singing:
[quote:38fe4crs]Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave![/quote:38fe4crs]You know, if you want to know what sets America apart from the rest of the world, just look at the Tea Party. There are no tea parties that arise to combat tyranny in other countries. There were no tea parties that arose to stem the march of Socialism in Europe.
Americans do not just roll over and take it up the ass. You see mass protests in other countries like Greece when you threaten to take away their bibs and pacifiers, and make them change their own diapers. The same countries that kiss our ass when they need us to save their ass, and then go back to thumbing their arrogant noses at us.
And the difference between the Tea Party and revolutionary movements in other countries is that it is non-violent and it is not led by a single leader who intends to become dictator after a coup d’etat.
The Tea Party movement is truly a unique phenomenon because it is akin to a million little fires being set simultaneously in an enormous field. It has sprung up from the grassroots, in stark contrast with the Messianic, personality-driven movement that brought Barack Obama to power. A movement more at home in Cuba than in America.
Do not lose faith in this country. The Tea Party is proof that America is not lost, precisely because it is *principle* driven and not personality driven. Those high ideals and principles which defined America’s founding still exist, and still burn with an unquenchable passion in the hearts of genuine Americans.
There is an ass-thrashing of Biblical magnitude coming in November. Don’t doubt it, and don’t be absent.
I believe that Obama is a blessing in disguise. Prior to his ascent we had become apathetic and complacent, taking this country and what she stands for for granted.
Barack Obama has forced us to stand up and value America in a way we hadn’t before. For that we owe him a profound debt of gratitude.
Prior to Obama even Republicans had been abandoning Conservative principles and Constitutional fundamentals. The irony is that Barack Obama has been the catalyst for the cleansing of the Republican Party, which had become a shameful, morally compromised shadow of Conservatism.
Don’t fall into the trap of the allure of a third party. As Reagan said, more or less, what is needed is not a third party, but a reconstituted second party that is true to the ideals for which it is supposed to stand.
If I’m not mistaken, the SDC is headquartered in New Jersey, and your Governor, Chris Christie, is showing some real balls out there. Pretty refreshing.
The Normandy invasion was a bloodbath. I often wonder how World War II would have fared with today’s media bashing our troops every damn day, and how they would have portrayed the sacrifices on the beach of Normandy. Our media is our shame.
Voting and breaking out of your apathy in order to properly inform yourself historically and politically cannot even begin to compare to the sacrifices made at places like Normandy, so let that bloody beach shame you into action in defense of those ideals for which those men were willingly butchered.
No soldier’s life was given in vain if you continue to defend, as they did, those freedoms and principles for which they died.
America is not lost. Not by a long shot. We do not lose. And the Civil War, for example, demonstrates that we don’t even lose to ourselves.
On a sidenote: The only problem with the Vietnam War is that we didn’t win it. It’s a war we could easily have won, but we just kind of got tired of it and left. It was a worthy cause, and total triumph should have been the only objective. You don’t let your men die without demanding victory, and nothing but victory. I tell any Vietnam vets I come across not to be ashamed of their service there, because they did their part but they were sold out by their leaders. The Vietnam War demonstrates the peril of a lack of focus. The *only* focus in a war is utter triumph. Period. We could have lost half as many guys and won the war in half as much time.
And the reason the war in Iraq took so damn long is because our military is so considerate and courteous. We could have gone in there and wiped everyone and everything out and – BAM! – all done. And had like 2 casualties. Instead, we’re going around like, “heh, you wouldn’t happen to be a bad guy would you?” And the first sign of Iranian influence and subversion, we could have sent a squad over to kill Ahmadinejad’s punk ass, or given him a missile for a mistress. Bet that would have discouraged those assholes. Call me simple-minded, but my philosophy is that when you fight a war, you fight a gotdamn war.
By the way, I never knew that the Koreans fought there, and that they were some truly fiercesome and feared fighters.
In conclusion, we are going to kick ass. Don’t be on the wrong side. Don’t be a coward. Don’t be apathetic. Don’t take this country for granted.
It is impossible to adequately articulate anything even remotely approaching the debt of honor owed to soldiers such as the men who stormed the cliffs of Normandy.
June 8, 2010 at 1:57 pm #12183
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterWe must thank those ignorant soldiers who stormed Normandy. If they said fuck it those Germans are White and they are trying to destroy Communism and protect Europe, then maybe the Germans could have gotten down to business and destroys Communism. Then Communism wouldn’t have taken the rest of the land clean to Germany and all the way to China. Thanks to those ignorant fucks at Normandy 15 more million civilian Germans died. Two million more German soldiers died after the war. Then we had Vietnam and Korea to contend with. The Commie bastards tried to take control of America.
Soldiers are not brave. Soldiers are dumb. If they knew we were destroying Germany so Communism would stay around another 50 years or if they knew we were fighting for oil and opium and just shit the CIA starts would they still fight? Fuck no.
I can tell you this. If Germany and France were in different places the Commies would have taken all of Europe. There was over a million Russians who fought with the Germans.
But so many idiots in this world think one man could convince a whole country to fight a war just for something to do. All the idiots think WWII was about a country taking on the most advanced countries for nothing. Our citizens are dumb and don’t even know what goes on in their own country let alone in the world. Our country is controlled by evil bastards. Only evil bastards would allow food companies to put so much junk in our food. Or put fluoride in our water. The English have lots of fluoride in their water and it’s why their teeth are so fucked up. -
June 8, 2010 at 2:05 pm #12184
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterIf you think these congressmen think wars are so great ask how many of them have sons inthe war. There was one congressman that had a son in Iraq. No doubt he’s way back of the line making cooking food or hadning out supplies and he’s being groomed for a job in congress when he’ll be able to say in 20 years. I went to Iraq. But what does that mean. You went to Iraq. What about the 20 million deformed babies. Google Iraq deformed babies and just think what we have done.
June 8, 2010 at 3:51 pm #12188
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterMr. kickasstakennames,
I am speechless. Never before have I read such a clear, brilliant articulation of pure, crystalline truth. You are an intellect such as I have never encountered before and, frankly, I am deeply humbled to be in the presence of so overwhelming cerebral wattage.
As I gingerly scrolled through the hallowed screen space containing what can only be described as the writings of an oracle I was reminded of watching the movie “Watchmen.”
You keep kickin ass, Mr. Kickasstakennames, and don’t for a second hesitate to add as many names to that list as you can.
One thought: I think maybe you meant to spell it “takinnames” instead of “takennames.” “takinnames” would imply that you’re taking names for your list of ass to kick. “takennames” implies names that have already been taken. If they’ve already been taken, it’s going to be difficult for you to take them as well. That might be tricky. But perhaps you feel a sense of duty to reclaim those taken names for your own. Well, godspeed my friend, and you go get those damn name takers. Give em hell.
June 9, 2010 at 4:08 am #12202
Inactivekickassntakenames wrote:We must thank those ignorant soldiers who stormed Normandy. If they said fuck it those Germans are White and they are trying to destroy Communism and protect Europe, then maybe the Germans could have gotten down to business and destroys Communism. Then Communism wouldn’t have taken the rest of the land clean to Germany and all the way to China. Thanks to those ignorant fucks at Normandy 15 more million civilian Germans died. Two million more German soldiers died after the war. Then we had Vietnam and Korea to contend with. The Commie bastards tried to take control of America.
Soldiers are not brave. Soldiers are dumb. If they knew we were destroying Germany so Communism would stay around another 50 years or if they knew we were fighting for oil and opium and just shit the CIA starts would they still fight? Fuck no.
I can tell you this. If Germany and France were in different places the Commies would have taken all of Europe. There was over a million Russians who fought with the Germans.
But so many idiots in this world think one man could convince a whole country to fight a war just for something to do. All the idiots think WWII was about a country taking on the most advanced countries for nothing. Our citizens are dumb and don’t even know what goes on in their own country let alone in the world. Our country is controlled by evil bastards. Only evil bastards would allow food companies to put so much junk in our food. Or put fluoride in our water. The English have lots of fluoride in their water and it’s why their teeth are so fucked up.[/quote:29ponq52][i:29ponq52]Wow what a deranged argument to make, but I will concede one point. We should have started killing communists right after we finished killing fascists. I mean your both socialist scum after all. Oh a few shades different, but you make better fertile than you do people. Should have been take Berlin than on to Moscow. Recruiting all the anti-communist freedom fighters along the way. Seeing a dead German soldier by a burn blood flag is truly a beautiful site.[/i:29ponq52]
June 9, 2010 at 2:52 pm #12207
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterDude, did the Germans come here? No we went to Europe. We need to stay home and mind our own business. If we were at war with Canada and we were kicking our arses and we offered Canada peace terms. But Mexico heard about this and they said, the heck with America and they contact Canada and they sayhey don’t accept peace with them. If you will promise us Texas after the war is over we will enter the war and together we will defeat America. You tell them they must surrender unconditionally. These are terms we always insist upon our defeated enemies. So it is done and America loses the war and a million more killed and they must surrender unconditionally. Then America learns later that they lost the war only because Mexico wanted Texas and this was the only reason the war was prlonged. We would be pissed with Mexico and we wouldn’t ever let them forget this, but the Jews did this very thing with the USA and Germany, but the Germans are the bad guys.
Damian, if you read this I want you to know everything I write you can check for yourself. This jerk off that keeps commenting has never read more than the reader’s Digest and should be banned for malicious ignorance. This guy got burned by a german girl or he ate some bad veinerschnitzel. To degrade the best people in Europe who went through so much to defend Europe from Communism.
June 9, 2010 at 2:56 pm #12208
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterWhat we should have done was let the Germans kick the shit out of the Commies. If we hadn’t entered WWI the Communists would have never been able to gain a foothold. How can anyone defend our actions when after the war Communism took a lot more real estate. We didn’t even stop them from taking the rest of central Europe. Then we let them take half of Berlin. We could of easily kicked the Communists arse. We could have run them clean to Moscow. That’s what Patton wanted to do, but the Commies had him killed.
June 9, 2010 at 3:17 pm #12209
Damian (Instructor)
Keymasteryou read it wrong. All I know is what I read. But you’ll notice this one guy doesn’t have a clue. I mean we went to Germany and got involved in a war we were tricked into. The Germans did not come here and attack us. It pisses me off when guys who don’t have a clue will attack me. I don’t just talk. I repeat what I’m told. One thing is clear. After WWI the Commies took Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. We sat back and let them kill those people by the millions. Our government will say they didn’t know. Hey, the government knows everything. They have spies and they have double agents and believe nothing gets by them.
Then Germany is starving and the rearm and they fight another war and we get tricked into that war. Then after that we sit back and let the Commies take the rest of central Europe. Then we fly food into Berlin after we have destroyed them. Why did we allow the Commies to put a wall in Berlin? We could have kicked the Commies arses in no time.
Can anyone explain how we enter a war and then just sit back and let the Commies do as they wanted. Remember the first Iraq war. Iraq went into Kuwait to take back land stolen from them by Britain. They took the land and then set up a pupet government to get that huge oil field. But we sat back and just let the Commies murder millions. Now if you say, but Commies have no country to answer to and so USA couldn’;t become involved. But what about in 1956 when the Hungarians revolted and the Russian tanks went into Hungary?
When two countries go to war they always have animosity. These idiots want to talk about Germany and claim they are sych a warmongering country, but they don’t know Germany has fought far fewer wars than any countyr in Europe. Unlike England, France and Spain who have fought countless wars.
Dude, concede one thing. Concede that you need to read something. I say the Germans are the best people in Europe. The Germans aren’t like the Brits, French and Americans who send troops to occupy other countries.
I wouldn’t say too much. There isn’t one country that could take on the Germans single handed. Not even the USA. Maybe 50 years ago, but now we have so many Blacks and Mexicans that we are screwed.
The thing is the Germans fought a war will valor and didn’t use trickery and lies like the USA and their phony Pearl Harbor. The USA had to work to decipher their secret code sending machine. They did it to the Japs.
This country is the only country that defends Israel. It’s not because Israel is right, it’s because Israel rules us. I wish when Israel does something that nobody said anything. Just let Israel do as they wish until the whole world has had enough and they blow and send nukes to those bastards. The Israelis could live anywhere. I don’t know why they didn’t take Madagascar. I’m sure there is plenty of room in Khazaria or Turkmenistan.
To the dude that wants to attack me. Have you read anything? Where did you acquire your hatred for the best people in Europe? Maybe we can help you out. I’m trying to educate you.
June 9, 2010 at 11:51 pm #12211
Damian (Instructor)
KeymasterMr. Kickenasstakennames had a brilliant line:
[quote:9mz9a5ye]I don’t just talk. I repeat what I’m told.[/quote:9mz9a5ye]
You win, Mr. Kickenasstakennames.
June 10, 2010 at 12:44 am #12212
InactiveDamian, if you read this I want you to know everything I write you can check for yourself. This jerk off that keeps commenting has never read more than the reader’s Digest and should be banned for malicious ignorance. This guy got burned by a german girl or he ate some bad veinerschnitzel. To degrade the best people in Europe who went through so much to defend Europe from Communism.
God you wouldn’t have even made a good Nazi. Even they had standards, and by the way they capitalize German. I take it they came up with that Master Race concept when your people left the country. Your “analysis” of war and politics is so flawed that I don’t even know where to begin.
I like Alex Jones who at least makes an effort to do his research and comes to some conclusions that at least theoretically are possible. You on the other hand are an example of what happens when you do drugs while reading a history book. Take my advice and leave the forum before you embarrass yourself more. I understand David Duke has moved to Russia. I suggest you do the same.
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