In the name of protecting children...shouldn't corporal punishment be banned in schools? – The Self Defense Company

In the name of protecting children…shouldn’t corporal punishment be banned in schools?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture In the name of protecting children…shouldn’t corporal punishment be banned in schools?

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    • #10750
      Dallas Williams

      Here in the South in some states such as TN this barbaric practice is still legal for teachers or school administrators to give to kids in public schools, at least here provided their parents or legal guardians sign a permission form allowing the school to do so. I was spanked even got so called ass beatings as a kid by parents and other immediate family members but never once got a paddling at school. The thing is I don’t want anybody except for me laying a hand on my child unless it is to restrain him or her if they are doing something that is of immediate danger to themselves or others. It is nothing I would ever agree too even if I ever have children and this shit is still legal and going on, better yet given the state of public education today on all levels I will do whatever it takes to either home school my kids or send them to private school. It is too easy for lines to become crossed, especially these days with some of the sadistic adult bullies or sick perverted fucks working in the educational system for them to use this as an avenue to commit physical or sexual abuse against children. Not to mention hitting children sends a mixed message that on one hand they’re being taught physical violence isn’t an acceptable means to resolve problems, but it’s ok if you’re bigger or stronger or have authority over somebody else to hit them if things don’t go your way. I recall one incident when I was in the 8th grade that really stood out.

      When I was in class these two girls were talking and passing notes, in the days before text messaging. and the male teacher about 30 years old and a self proclaimed 6’2 230 pound guy at the time saw and took them outside the class room and got a paddle and paddled them, I heard 6 whacks I’m assuming 3 for each girl. There are so many things immediately wrong with this picture to me. These are 14 or 15 year old maturing into women girls not small kids with a grown man bending them over and hitting them, anybody see sexual overtones to this here? When they came back in class they were both crying I’m sure not only from the utter humiliation but also from the physical pain of a guy this size swinging a wooden board full bore hitting them. And all of this just for doing normal immature teenager stuff talking back and forth during class? Wouldn’t there be much more reasonable humane ways of handling this without resorting to physical violence. At work if you screw up or violate rules or regulations you may get reprimanded, written up, demoted, even fired but you don’t get sexually or physically violated by your superiors, at least not without a lawsuit or possible arrest ensuing. If I were these girls father this son of a bitch would’ve been having that paddle surgically removed from his ass and my boot heel removed from his mouth by the time I got finished with him, nobody is gonna hurt my children or family and walk away without consequences. We need to work to get corporal punishment banned in all schools in every state in the US and leave any physical discipline if it is to occur strictly in the hands of parents or other immediate family caring for the child when there are a lot more humane and effective ways to curb bad behavior and maintain order inside classrooms. Why the hell would anybody trust a fucked up institution like public education with sadists and sexual perverts working for them ran and controlled by the corrupt and incompetent US government to do anything that involves using physical discipline on our children when it can’t even manage or do anything else correctly? Make them keep their hands off of our children.

    • #13442
      Dallas Williams

    • #13445

      I went to a catholic school most of my life, from 2nd grade thru 8th. I know first hand so to speak of how the nuns loved to smack your hands with a ruler. Dallas I’ll have to agree with you, in school I don’t see a need for the paddling they do, for certain things. I’m sure if I sat here and think a little I could tell you a few things a kid should get paddled for. Like maybe cursing a teacher out, but even that some old school soap in the mouth could work temporarily. It seems all kids talk back these days. They want everything then and now they have no patience for anything.

    • #13459
      Dallas Williams

      Yeah I know what you mean I think a lot of the problem with kids today is nobody cares about them or takes the time to raise them right any more, and that includes tanning their hide when it’s needed too. My issue is trusting the State and it’s employees to do something so fragile and delicate as using physical discipline on a child, when you don’t know the person’s true intention who’s giving the paddling and how easily discipline can cross a line into physical or even sexual abuse. Another example I can think of when I was in 9th grade my 60 year old female algebra teacher paddled a fellow freshmen kid for failing to turn in several homework assignments, a stupid reason to paddle a kid to begin with. After she paddled him when he returned to class he came back in the room snickering and I think I even noticed a slight boner. So if her intended purpose was to discipline and punish him for failing to do his homework she failed miserably in that regard as the paddling didn’t even hurt him and in the process possibly sexually aroused him from the paddling, whether that was intended or not. Why not just either give him 0’s for the missed work and let him and his parents deal with the bad grades or put him in in school suspension or Saturday school or something. A punishment the kid may have actually hated and caused him some inconvenience and encouraged him to do his homework in the future.

    • #13471

      I did not realize this is going on. To be honest, there are other ways to discipline a child. I think it opens the door for inappropraite and abusive behavior.

      I think it leads to laziness on the part of the teacher. Paddling a kid for missed homework assignments if fundamentally the wrong. His “paddling” is a poor grade. Paddling a 9th grader for that is just nuts.

    • #13475

      Around these parts if you were to try to paddle a 9th grader or above the teacher would probly get a beat down. They still do the paddling here only with parent consent an of course when I saw the paper this year as every year I simply write “If you lay a paddle or anything else on my child I will sue an or paddle the teacher doing it” simple and straight to the point.
      Personally I haven’t spanked or paddled my kids in years there are far more ways to discipline a child with out spanking or paddling. I haven’t had to soank my kids in years. Take stuff from them that they love and give a good but stern talking too and ground them a while. They learn a lesson and even come and give a sincere appology. Of course some times a good spanking may be needed but my kids have never pushed me that far. Now my ex on the other hand… Don’t get me started. Let’s just say it’s the reason I moved back to Louisiana a year early and got custody :-)
      Yep you can go to far when you have no control of yourself or your asshole husband.

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