Inside the Ass-Kicker's Studio with Mr. Prevail – The Self Defense Company

Inside the Ass-Kicker’s Studio with Mr. Prevail

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    • #10503

      This is a repost of my response to a Mr. TheMachine touching on the notions of faith and freedom which I feel will benefit all.

      TheMachine had said:

      [quote:mkh0lqzf]Free markets are only “free” when those who have more power benefit, which doesn’t make them free at all.

      And faith in God and not intellectuals??? what does that even mean?
      If God created you didn’t he give you your intellect to use it?
      Aren’t you attempting to do that now?

      For more on this check out:


      If you don’t get it pm me and I’ll explain it further.[/quote:mkh0lqzf]

      I responded in my usual deeply moving monologue that only ended when my keyboard shorted out from the cascade of tears that fell as I typed, each finger guided by Cherubim:

      As Mark Levin likes to say: Try to follow the bouncing ball here.

      Free markets mean equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Socialists and Marxists think that they can artificially dictate – tyranny – an equality of outcome through redistribution of wealth.

      However, as a Conservative and free market Capitalist, I believe in equality of opportunity, and not equality of outcome.

      This is why people flock to America – for the opportunity. Any person with half a work ethic and some self-confidence knows that given the opportunity, the outcome is inevitable. However, we have a class of people who have been, and are, being conditioned to not even aspire or pursue opportunity. This is the evil of Liberalism, it destroys the dignity of a man’s drive to succeed by telling him he’s a helpless victim who must wait on his bureaucratic saviors like a beggar waiting for scraps of food.

      An intellectual I think of as a person who puts their faith in their own understanding. The greatest intellect’s understanding is pitifully miniscule in the light of God’s infinite glory and truth. God expects us to use our brains, of course. But there is so much we must accept by faith.

      There is a verse that says, “trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.” In other words, no matter how much you know, or think you know, you ain’t seein the whole picture, so you need to stay open to that inner voice to guide you. Intellectuals are their own gods. They’ve got everything figured out. They’re the brilliant ones. The all-knowing elitists whose omniscience qualifies them to run your life for you.

      There is another verse that says, “knowledge puffs up.” Intellectuals tend to be very arrogant due to their accrued knowledge, which doesn’t necessarily translate to wisdom. Wisdom is a perspective. A guy who thinks he knows it all doesn’t have the proper perspective.

      Another verse that says, “we walk by faith, not by sight.” Any successful person has had to walk by faith, and not by sight, when it didn’t look like they were going to make it, but they kept forging onward by faith.

      God cannot be quantified, yet He can be believed.

      Your [u:mkh0lqzffake article[/u:mkh0lqzf][/url:mkh0lqzf] perfectly encapsulates the mind of an intellectual. That was a brilliant exhibit of my point, and thanks for the visual aid.

      Even those who deny God operate by faith. Ironically, even intellectuals operate by a twisted kind of faith.

      When I say faith in God and not intellectuals, what I am saying is that I place my faith in God which empowers me with the knowledge that I cannot fail to succeed, because He created me with a purpose and assignment. I *do not* place my faith in some distant cabal of elitist intellectual bureaucrats to micromanage every damn aspect of my life and the economy like Soviet central planners.

      We’ve got a class in this country that’s been conditioned to worship government as their saviors. That’s what I’m talking about.

      Faith in God is the ultimate in empowerment. God took the time to think up the idea of me, and then created me with a mission in mind. Knowing this – believing this – fills me with confidence as well as a sense of duty and responsibility that I must achieve my purpose and pursue my assignment.

      People need to stop hating on rich guys and powerful people, by the way. I mean, someone’s got to have these positions. Someone’s going to have the ambition and drive to reach these pinnacles. And just like our self-righteous asses, they’re still going to be human and prone to the mistakes of ego and bad judgment.

      Here’s another truth to keep in mind: You will never become what you resent. If you hate the successful and the rich, you will prevent yourself from learning from them in order to achieve what they achieved.

      I used to look down on pop stars like Britney Spears, for example. Then one day I had the epiphany that Britney Spears was a *success.* In other words, instead of focusing on my dislike of her music and judging her like a thirteen year old girl – although a thirteen year old girl would like her….whatever – I realized I should focus on her success because in all success there is something to learn.

      Take an evil guy like Adolph Hitler. I look at this guy and I think, “imagine if he had used his genius for good instead of evil.” There is so much to learn from Adolph Hitler that can be applied for good instead of evil, if you are a person who can look at success objectively, be it good, evil, or something you just don’t like.

      Another reason I don’t hate on the rich and powerful is because I’m going to be joining them in the near future. To hate on them would be to hate my own future.

      Class warfare in this country teaches people to hate their own potential. Think about it: A rich person is a walking testament to the potential that lies in *all* of us. To hate or resent a rich guy is to despise your own God-given potential.

      But, it’s easier to resent and bitterly judge than it is to get off one’s ass and press onward toward triumph.

      There is nothing more liberating or empowering than faith in God. Faith in God destroys fear and reveals destiny. I’ll take faith in God over a cabal of intellectual windbags anyday.

      And there is absolutely *nothing* wrong with wealth and power. Nothing. But there is everything wrong with envy. Wealth and power are not immoral. Envy is. “Thou shalt not covet.”

      Wealth and power, just like violence, are not good or bad. They are simply tools. And these tools, like all tools, are wielded by flawed people who share with us the same human nature.

      Faith in God keeps me humble, so that when I am rich and powerful I won’t abuse the blessing.

      Since this is ostensibly a self-defense related post…um…let me say that when you throw a punch you should throw it really, really hard. And the punch should also hit the guy. Really hard.

    • #12262

      The notion of opportunity vs. outcome is right on the money. Everyone “legally” has the same opportunity. And yes, the rich and powerful operate among themselves. This is the same reason pro athletes, single moms and stay at home dads tend to hang out with one another: they have a lot in common. The rich operate in the same social circles. This is where deals are made. This is life.

      My asshole puckers when I hear terms like “level the playing field” or “estate tax”. Because I’ve got news for everyone: any good real estate planner, lawyer and accountant can circumvent the estate tax. When politicians set their sites on the rich it is only lip service. The only thing that happens is lawyers, accountants and brokers get paid, not you. In this country, the more $$$ in the hands of the rich and factories get built and jobs get created.

      Redistribution of wealth through heavy taxes NEVER WORKS. You do not want your fate decided by a group of people who are only accountable once every four years. There’s a reason why most state governments and our federal govt is in debt.

      To me the answer has always been simple: get the money into the hands of the ones who know what to do with it. Sound a little REAGANOMICS? well, it is and in spite of what we have been fed…it worked.

      There will always be haves and have-nots. If you’re smart, resourceful and a little lucky you will be a “have”.

    • #12265

      Heh, call me simple-minded but poor people don’t hire anyone.

      [quote:h1bqybto]To me the answer has always been simple: get the money into the hands of the ones who know what to do with it.[/quote:h1bqybto]

      The funny thing about your statement was that Jesus said *exactly* the same thing. He told a parable where the guy who didn’t use the one talent he was given lost it to the guy who’d turned his five talents into ten talents. Whoa, what kind of redistribution is that?

      After all, if you want to invest money, you’re gonna give it to the guy who can multiply it. No – correction – the guy who *will* multiply it. We all *can.*

      God’s first admonishment to mankind – to Adam at creation, and to Noah after the flood – was to be fruitful and *multiply.* God has basically commanded us to prosper and invest the abilities and resources He’s given us to grow them into even more.

      God has commanded all of us to get rich. Literally. You cannot multiply without prospering.

      People who are not multiplying are violating their divine charter, and they are violating their very function and purpose. We are expected to invest.

      Whatever area of one’s life is in decline is an area that hasn’t been *invested* in. Bad marriage? Bad investment. Bad health? Bad investment. Broke? Bad investment.

      I have a saying, “whatever does not multiply dies.” There is no neutral ground. You are either multiplying or dying. Period.

      This kind of thing is why I like reading the Bible – the most brilliant document ever conceived – for myself. I mean, the genius that’s in there is breathtaking, if you don’t let religion screw your head up. I believe that every single issue or problem that could possibly exist is addressed somewhere in it’s sacred pages. A lot of people get rich ripping off the Bible and repackaging it. The Alchemist. The Secret. Most New Age philosophy, which is basically just the Bible minus Jesus and moral absolutes. I came to realize that every other religion rips off the Bible. Then they just add a bunch of other crap.

      It is glaringly apparent that God not only expects us to multiply and prosper, but He has explicitly *commanded* us to multiply and prosper.

      This means to me that there is no such thing as a bad economy. There is *never* an excuse for not multiplying.

      That’s the danger of the Left, of Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, and whatever else you want to call it; it is an ideology of excuses for failure.

      Some people will get really annoyed that I like quoting the Bible a lot. But you jackasses might notice that I don’t quote it to knock you down and topple you over with guilt, but to build you up and inspire you to kick some frickin ass! The Bible’s a book of liberation, not condemnation. The only reason it mentions all the negatives like sin and judgment and so forth is to highlight one’s need for liberation. And we’ve all got thought patterns, and habits we need liberation from. A solution is the liberation of a problem. Simple as that. It’s a book of solutions.

      I tend to be pretty enthusiastic about unmolested truth, whether I find it in the Good Book, or in the SDTS.

      And finally, Mr. Ross, I must most sincerely demand an update on the whole asshole puckering thing. That should be a whole separate area of the forum. Possible title: “What Makes Your Asshole Pucker?”

    • #12273

      Yep, I could spend some time on the A-Hole Puckering subject… OK, it’s done.

    • #12280

      The truth of the matter is that it’s the middle class that make the world go around, not the rich or the poor.

      Where there is a greater gap between the rich and the poor exist more problems, and remember one thing, without the middle class there can be no rich, who would they live off of, the poor?

      Think about it.

    • #12283

      I don’t disagree. The cogs make the machine work.

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