Joe Doesn't Like What We Practice... – The Self Defense Company

Joe Doesn’t Like What We Practice…

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    • #10136

      Every so often I get an email that I file under AHOLE emails. The last one comes from a person who calls himself Joe Rago.

      Everyone is entitled to their opinion and being a semi-public figure on the web regarding a subject that most people cling to like religion I am bound to get these emails and phone calls.

      Still, in everything there’s a lesson. If you’re like me, you’re always looking to learn a little something, even from Joe. That is only part of the reason I’m posting this, the other is because I can

      A few things you should know about Joe
      His contact information is not real
      His phone number is not real (I removed it because of the poor SOB who s really at the number)
      His email isn’t real

      The following message is from Joe****************

      Tell Damian to stop teaching sh*t that doesn’t work!

      Muggers are smart today! What’s Damain gonna do when I come up to him and pepper spray him in the face with 5.3 million scoville units of Fox Pepper Spray or I taser him? What’s he gonna do, hit me with a knife hand?

      GET F**KING REAL! Tell him that his instructor’s stuff is outdated…..World War II combatives is long gone. Today’s muggers can fight like Mike Tyson. What’s Damian gonna do against someone like Mike Tyson? Kick him in the balls? That won’t work because muggers wear cups! Muggers are smart today ass##les! Stop selling sh*t.


      First name: Joe
      Last name: Rago
      Address: 3425 Columbia Blvd.
      City: Rockville
      State: MD
      Zip: 20901
      Phone: 301 ### #####


      I’ll address the statements and questions as we go…..

      Joe: Muggers are smart today!

      Damian: True, but they have always been smart, it’s human natures. Read Gangs of New York (the book, not the movie). You’ll discover a whole new level of cruelty during the 1800’s

      Joe: What’s Damain gonna do when I come up to him and pepper spray him in the face with 5.3 million scoville units of Fox Pepper Spray or I taser him?

      Damian: Probably choke, gag, throw up and fall over. Have I been pepper spray- Yes (no, it wasn’t due to my dating habits) Have I been tasered- Yes! Both were not experiences I wish to relive. So that’s why we practice to know when we’re being set up with a smile and protect our space. Hey, if someone sneaks up behind you and hits you with a brick over the head and it’s lights out…well, you don’t have anything to worry about anymore.

      Joe: Tell him that his is outdated…..World War II combatives is long gone. Today’s muggers can fight like Mike Tyson. What’s Damian gonna do against someone like Mike Tyson?

      Damian: Historically, Combatives was essentially mixed martial arts for the street. Check out the research article here: … ifesto.asp

      It takes you through the progression of combatives and what The Self Defense Company’s interpretation is: anything that gives you a tactical edge at the time.

      I would do what I do against anyone who threatens my life and family.
      Now I know Mike Tyson had 2 street fights as a professional fighter. Mitch Green- he broke his hand on Mitch’s face. And Lennox Lewis, he tackled him and bit his thigh. Believe me, I would not WANT to fight Mike Tyson, but if it was between me and him, I’m going to do what ever it takes to survive. AND YOU SHOULD TOO.

      But why don’t we pick someone else…Rocky Marciano, Jersey Joe Walcott, Floydd Paterson, Farmer Burns, or any of the great Roman and Greek boxers and Pancreas fighters.

      Joe: Kick him in the balls? That won’t work because muggers wear cups!

      Damian: Attacking with the edge of hand to vital target areas and kicking to the testicles. I know you’ve probably read some books and watched some video on you tube, but the Self Defense Training System is a lot more that edge of hand and kick him in the nuts (though those are still good options). The SDTS teaches you to fight and keep fighting. You train in combinations. Why? Well the guy may have a cup or you just MIGHT MISS!!!! You have a greater chance of missing your target than you do of hitting a guy in the cajones.

      But if I do see a guy wearing goggles, a helmet, a neck brace, boxers cup, shin guards and carrying a taser and a pepper spray, I’ll steer clear.

      But in all seriousness, you should never underestimate someone who makes their living surviving on the street. Criminals are cunning and will prepare to succeed, just like you prepare to succeed.


      Damian: Wh*re? I prefer “People of Accommodating Morals”

    • #10884

      He was awefully critical and rude. I wonder why he did not see fit to enlighten you on what works in his opnion? Wonder why he didnt have the decency to start a humane discourse with you?

      it is easy to be critical. It is hard to stand behind your beliefs and let it all hang out. One takes courage and one doesnt.

      I mean he essentially said…hey Damian what ya gonna do once ur ass is kicked? And you answered correctly…um..have my ass kicked. Amd to stay the majority of criminals are walking around with cups on is kinda silly. There are prolly unique situations where a criminal maybe wearing a cup. I mean if he is right I would expect most criminals to be wearing a bullet proof jacket. There number one threat is another criminal with a gun and then the police and then the average citizen. Least by my reasoning. whne ya put it in the scope a nut kick is the least of his worries.

      I mean it ok to disagree with ya but he could at least start a discourse and share his opnion.

    • #10885

      That usually reveals someone. At the end of the day ITS THE DOG IN THE FIGHT.

      The SDTS gives you tools and the fasted way to develop them. OK, there’s an argument there (and like you pointed out “It’s easy to be critical”)

      But the 8 laws of Self Defense can be applied to anything:

      The 8 Cardinal Rules of The Self Defense Training System

      1. It must work on an assailant that is much larger and stronger than you.
      2. It must work against both armed and unarmed assailants at the same time.
      3. It must work against multiple and single assailants at the same time.
      4. It must work against determined and capable assailants.
      5. It must work when you are distracted, older or injured and appear to be a good target of opportunity.
      6. It can’t have specific defense for each individual situation.
      7. It must work in every possible environment (the same method must work in snow, sand, parking lot, woods, jungle, your living room, etc.).
      8. It must become instinctive and convulsive as quickly as possible.

      Technically- any “style” can be made to fit into this mold. There are people training in the SDTS right now who have adapted what their years of previous training to work like the SDTS. In stead of a Tiger Claw, its a punch- the actual techniques are secondary. The TACTICS are primary nd tactics always come first.

    • #10896

      While this may look like a non sequitor, it illustrates to me some of Damian’s points.

      My father was a B-17 tail gunner in WWII. He told me the key to being a good aerial gunner was not accuracy with the machine gun, because it was very hard to hit a moving airplane with a machine gun from another moving airplane. The key, he said, was to spot a fighter plane a long way off and fire a few rounds with tracers so the fighter pilot knew he was was being watched. Then he would go off looking for a target that was unaware of his presence and not likely to shoot back. The plane that finally shot Dad’s plane down after 36 missions got the jump on them out of a cloud and hit a wing tank before they saw him coming.

      Secondly, Dad did shoot a Messerschmidt down. He said fighters usually were shot down not by accurate targeted shots but by spreading a spray of machine gun bullets in the plane’s path. This illustrates what Damian is saying about more strikes missing than hitting. You just have to put enough out there that something connects.

      So, even in air warfare, the principles of DISTANCE and MOMENTUM VS. SPECIFIC DEFENSES applied, exactly like hand to hand self defense. Just the details of the setting and weapons differed.

    • #11326

      Ha, Damian is so cool. That dickhead Joe totally disrespected Damian for really no good reason other than the fact that Joe didn’t like what Damian was teaching and Damian just remains calm and explains what he has to say exactly how it is. Sometimes I wish I could have that attitude, but I’m 19 still!

    • #11448

      Thanks for that Fleetwing, very informative post.

      Damian, what is the best way to absorb the tactics, so that they become second nature and applicable when needed?

    • #11454

      Wow Damian, you have a special file that you put AHOLE e-mails in? Oh, I hope I’m not in your AHOLE file!!!!

    • #11458
      Anglo_Saxon_Combatant wrote:
      Wow Damian, you have a special file that you put AHOLE e-mails in? Oh, I hope I’m not in your AHOLE file!!!![/quote:1632kn43]

      Naw, you’re probably in his, “Young Noob Who Thinks He Knows Everything” file. :P

    • #11459

      This kid has been blocked and booted.

      Another example of the crap you have to sift through in order to find a few intelligent life forms.

    • #11540

      In my 30+ years of law enforcement, I never took a person into custody who wore a cup – knives, guns, clubs – sure, but never a cup. So the nads are a great target anytime.

      Also, you better be aware of your environment always. Zoning will get you killed; much like driving a car – lose focus, lose control, lose your life.

      There’s always more than one way to skin a cat. In the end, the cat still gets skinned no matter how you do it.

    • #11541

      Dear Sir,

      Raymond and I have carbon fibre cups we wear on ANY outing!
      Wham! Surprise test!
      Fuck that groin conditioning! Tried it, it sucks.


    • #11545

      Gunther –

      I suspect you’re not one of those dirtbags I normally arrest for victimizing innocent people or stealing/damaging property.

    • #11548

      No Sir!,

      I have never been arrested,
      Im a farmer from South Africa, and imagine myself to be quite

    • #11556

      Good man.

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