Kanye West says his job is just as dangerous as a police officer or soldier...is this POS for real? – The Self Defense Company

Kanye West says his job is just as dangerous as a police officer or soldier…is this POS for real?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Kanye West says his job is just as dangerous as a police officer or soldier…is this POS for real?

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  • Author
    • #10728
      Dallas Williams
    • #13264
      Dallas Williams

      I’m so fucking sick of hearing about he and Kim Kardashian and wish they and their baby North would just spontaneously combust into thin air. I agree with officer Oliver on this, send this talentless asswipe to the frontlines in Afghanistan or Iraq and see how long he lasts. Or put his ass in the middle of a thrash metal or death metal mosh pit and watch him get torn literally limb from limb. This pisses me the hell off hearing about him comparing his meaningless insignificant life that does nothing to help or benefit others in any positive form or fashion other than himself to those who actually sacrifice their life with their families and put their lives on the line daily to protect us and maintain our liberties and freedom. Just wait before long they will fade out into obscurity and in a few years nobody will even know or remember who the fuck he or Kim Kardashian are anymore.

    • #13280

      He put his life on the line marrying what’s her name.

      This guy is an idiot and has figured out a way to make billions. God, where’s Lemmy!!!

    • #13298
      Dallas Williams

      Lol for real I don’t care how jacked Kanye is Lemmy even in his old age would tear him a new one. Anybody with the last name Kilmister is somebody not to be fucked with.

    • #13300

      I’m sick of it all too. The last condo I did security for, Johnathan, Kims pr guy live there and she was always there. It was a freakin paparazzi fiasco every time she showed up, and for what she’s famous for spreading her legs then gettin a tv show about her fake life. And Kanye this dusche is so into hisself that if his head gets any bigger it’s gonna pop. He sucks as an artist only one maybe two songs of his I can tolerate the rest all I hear is shit coming out of my speakers. And when they make fun of him on South Park I have to fall over laughing so hard that water comes out my nose haha.

    • #13308
      Dallas Williams

    • #13309
      Dallas Williams

      Funny thing is I actually like this a hell of a lot better than the original. “U huh honey” lol.

    • #13311

      That video just makes more sense than the Kanye video haha.

    • #13396

      Holy crap that’s awesome.

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