Latest George Zimmerman developments? – The Self Defense Company

Latest George Zimmerman developments?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Latest George Zimmerman developments?

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    • #10552
      Dallas Williams

    • #12433
      Dallas Williams

      Ok what does everybody think about this latest George Zimmerman incident? I know this is a divorce and both sides can become very aggressive when working out terms of the divorce and fighting over assets and lie to make the other person look worse than they are. Not to mention Shellie Zimmerman has already been proven a liar and perjurer in court. Obviously there was an altercation but I have a feeling his wife may be embellishing this story quite a bit and we still don’t know who or what precipitated or provoked this incident to begin with.

    • #12435

      She is full of shit.

      It’s easy to paint him as a target. “Step Closer, Step Closer…” I call bullshit.

      I think she tried to push his buttons.

      He’s an easy target and her saying that he was trying to get her to attack him suggests that Zimmerman was trying to recreate the Martin circumstances is ludicrous.

    • #12468

      Well I don’t know the full story, and frankly enough people have read this man’s mind already.

      Though I did have small dark laugh from the call….I don’t know what he’s capable of……Well actually lady you do.

      What a mess…isn’t there anything more important going on in the country besides what is going on in the personnel life of some guy cleared of all charges.

      Wait there is Jesús Cristo who was murdered in Newark by 4 black teens while delivering pizza. He was 20 years old working hard to take care of his new baby…He begged for work the day his child was born. Couldn’t have been carrying more then $100 if that. He planned to apply to the police and fire department’s of the city and was considering the Coast Guard. Shouldn’t people be up an arms about a good guy being murdered while doing his job?

    • #12477

      Yeah, where’s Obama now?

      Look as the leader of this country, if you choose to step in on Treyvon Martin you better start defending everybody.

      I still can’t believe that with all the press, Zimmerman was acquitted.

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