Lol Bill Wolfe claims to be teaching Fairbairn material? Looks more like a mix of fillipino martial arts/hapkido to me. – The Self Defense Company

Lol Bill Wolfe claims to be teaching Fairbairn material? Looks more like a mix of fillipino martial arts/hapkido to me.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Lol Bill Wolfe claims to be teaching Fairbairn material? Looks more like a mix of fillipino martial arts/hapkido to me.

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  • Author
    • #10580
      Dallas Williams

    • #12584
      Dallas Williams

      Maybe he’s knowledgeable when it comes to WW2 history and combatives but it just goes to show how so many “experts” who claim to teach WW2 combatives, Defendu, etc. are not teaching legit material and have altered and added their own styles and touches and complicated fancy moves to it. Damian Ross is the only modern instructor I’ve come across who teaches Fairbairn/Sykes material as it was intended to be taught and passed down through Rex Applegate, Charles Nelson, Carl Cestari, etc. with only slight modifications made for application to modern day situations civilians find themselves in that differ considerably from the battlefields and trenches of World War 2 but keeping the same basic tactics and mindset in mind of keeping everything simple, brutal, and effective and leaving the complicated fancy martial arts techniques in the dojo.

    • #12585
      Dallas Williams

      The point is when it comes to practical easy to master effective self defense for any wide variety of situations for civilians, law enforcement, or military personel alike you can’t go wrong with the Self Defense Training System.Laugh

    • #12591

      Yeah…I don’t know what the hell he’s doing here. It’s mediocre MMA. The only thing I point out is that this is by itself is taken out of context. The fact they they’re in a fighting stance suggests that this is designed for the ring.

      If it is for the ring, that jab will be followed by a right cross and a left hook so that little hand in front of the face ain’t going to stop a fly’s fart. Those pitter-pat body shots don;t do anything. That parry works when your heads out of range of the jab BUT YOU”RE NOT going to be able to move your entire body to position before your opponent retracts his punch and makes an adjustment.

      This combination works because his opponent is moving in slow motion.

      If it’s a self defense class then it’s ridiculous.

    • #12650

      Some impressive MMA stuff there, but not meant for the real world. Lot of this stuff works great if people don’t hit back.

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