Module 3 is awesome! – The Self Defense Company

Module 3 is awesome!

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    • #10377

      Dear Sir,

      Hahahaa! I saw how many weapons you pulled out in the intro.
      I cruise around with a glock knife, folding edge knife, etc…
      All well hidden. Strong industrial magnets fastened to straps,
      used to hold steel toys.

      Ground fighting was always my fave, my younger bro (who weighs 120 kg!)
      did judo for many years, and from him I learned loads of tricks.
      Lucky Im a strong dude, so I did not always lose. This module simplifies
      everything and cannot wait to try these tricks out on Conrad, he’s gonna
      shit. ‘Cause when we play, stuff gets broken.

      Module 3 is the bomb. What fun! Pete is classic!
      That sideway roll with leg-grab is lethal. Hyper-extension city!
      Pop that knee like a ripe zit!

      My training buddy and I love this, but the swine is hard,
      so I kak. But so does he!

      Much Love and respect
      Gunther Kotze.

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