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    • #28785
      Lee Brissey

      I was into more conflict again. Minding my own business, leaving Lowes Hardware, snow/ice/slush all over the road. Dude rides by me on bike, glares at me and says ‘get on the sidewalk, use the damn sidewalk!’ and rides to go into the store. Like Im supposed to take that abuse? I don’t think so. I went over to the entrance, pulled out my cellphone, called 911, explained the situation, (should have called 311, non emergency), and made it perfectly clear to anyone around that I wasn’t fooling around. I looked for the dude, didn’t see him, could’t find him.
      Situation could have gotten real interesting, and real serious,
      This is not the first time I have been approached in this manner.
      What’s going on here? I could use some insight. Is there something I’m missing to keep these dirtbags out of my face? Were my actions effective? What if I found the dude and this escalated?

    • #28786

      Hey Lee,

      First, your actions were completely effective. After all – nothing was done.

      Second, don’t take this stuff personally. It’s not about you and it’s ALL about them.

      They’re having a BAD DAY, their LIFE SUCKS and they decide to take it out on the next person they pass by.

      Finally, let’s talk about how you present yourself to the world. Are you standing upright, are you looking around and aware …are you “counting hats?” That’s the technique of looking around and trying to spot as many hats as you can find – it causes you to look aware…and actually makes you aware.

      I assume you don’t look like an NFL lineman…well most of us don’t either. So just stay aware and keep your hand on your pepper spray. If he gets off the bike…JUICE HIM.

    • #28787

      Hey Lee,

      First, your actions were completely effective. After all – nothing was done.

      Second, don’t take this stuff personally. It’s not about you and it’s ALL about them.

      They’re having a BAD DAY, their LIFE SUCKS and they decide to take it out on the next person they pass by.

      Finally, let’s talk about how you present yourself to the world. Are you standing upright, are you looking around and aware …are you “counting hats?” That’s the technique of looking around and trying to spot as many hats as you can find – it causes you to look aware…and actually makes you aware.

      I assume you don’t look like an NFL lineman…well most of us don’t either. So just stay aware and keep your hand on your pepper spray. If he gets off the bike…JUICE HIM.

    • #28788

      Hey Lee,

      First, your actions were completely effective. After all – nothing was done.

      Second, don’t take this stuff personally. It’s not about you and it’s ALL about them.

      They’re having a BAD DAY, their LIFE SUCKS and they decide to take it out on the next person they pass by.

      Finally, let’s talk about how you present yourself to the world. Are you standing upright, are you looking around and aware …are you “counting hats?” That’s the technique of looking around and trying to spot as many hats as you can find – it causes you to look aware…and actually makes you aware.

      I assume you don’t look like an NFL lineman…well most of us don’t either. So just stay aware and keep your hand on your pepper spray. If he gets off the bike…JUICE HIM.

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