My package is here!! WoooHooo! – The Self Defense Company

My package is here!! WoooHooo!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture My package is here!! WoooHooo!

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    • #10354

      I am so impressed! Dude, you have found the Grail of combat.
      If,right now, some normal dude, trained by this program fought me, he would win!!
      But I am no normal dude! I am a Half Norwegian/Half Boer farmer from South Africa. This program is going to turn me and my brothers into something unheard of.
      CreeeeYaaaa! I am so stoked! Damian, you look like such a fun dude! Your humour is awesome, here we call it “Fokken snaaks” which means “viking humour”! ie, if me brother is unaware..WHAM in the short rib! surprise hahahaa. Keeps us alert and always on guard. Also if ya gotta pass something like a remote or a rock or a hammer, ya throw it at his balls! Me brother already says no ways to the groin conditioning! Hahahaa surprise conditioning!! ( We are 3 brothers : Gunther 31, Conrad 28, Jason 24)
      Christian Vikings say Hail! from South Africa!
      Y’all are an answer to prayers.
      WooHooooo! Fuckin’ chop! :D

    • #11476

      Thanks, I am actually smiling!!!!!

    • #11477

      Wow, Damian actually Smiles!

    • #11478

      Dude, I got the whole program, and I read between the lines, I would love to see the “bloopers” for the instruction! Damian and Pete are exercising massive restraint! They both have killa humour! Fuck man, did you not see Petey mouth “fuck!” a couple of times! And the groin conditioning was hilarious! I too will go “Fuck, Fuck, fuck” every hit! My fuckin balls are in agony! Pain is a way to enlightenment! And when Damian demonstrates the groin smack in module one and Pete flinches, I nearly kakked! I too will
      flinch! O ya, and Pete, yer beard in module one is sweeeeet!
      Damian smiles a shit load! And Vikings know what it means if a mans eye twitches! It means the he is fucking dangerous!! and your chi levels are so high that It overloads yer nervous system! I bet people get scared when Damian works out! When I gym at a public gym, people leave!
      HooHaaa! what a program! This will help my self actualization greatly, exercise body and mind, and they become a spiraling wheel heading upwards towards enlightenment! Glory to God! Kick ass and take names!
      Fools will be beaten!

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