Non Lethal Force – The Self Defense Company

Non Lethal Force

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    • #10427

      I know the system is about self defense in the sense that it is for the purpose of self preservation, but there are times when, as someone said in another thread, you just want to deal with a drunk at a wedding without sending a guest to the hospital.

      Kind of staying within the SDTS, are there methods of simply subduing an unruly person, rather than causing him serious injury?

      Again, I know it not the true focus of the system, but I’m sure lots of people that frequent here have run into this problem. Idiots at parties, bars, sporting events, concerts.



    • #11757

      Answer to your question Rob….

    • #11759

      OK. I thought that was just for law enforcement folks.

    • #11763

      Nope. It’s focus is for police/security work because they are the ones who most likely will have an immediate need for these tactics.

      BTW, there are some Nonlthal tactics in the SDTS for sure, but that’s not the main focus of the program.

    • #11764

      Thanks, Damian. Ordered!


    • #11765

      Thanks and take it easy on the family.

    • #11766

      I will!

      I’d like to get my sister and girlfriend to learn some of this. We’ll see.

      My gf used to be on the path to becoming a police officer before we met (many moons ago). But, the towns she applied for had their “female limit”. She always did very well on the tests. And she can shoot, although she hasn’t in a while.

      OK, so maybe SHE doesn’t need the course…


    • #11781

      Hey Damian, can you give us a basic outline of what’s covered on the DVD set?


    • #11783

      It is on the site: … efense.asp

      Guardian Defensive Tactics is so successful that it

    • #11792

      Thanks, I didn’t catch that.

      I ordered today so I’ll keep you posted if I have any questions.

    • #11801

      Thanks and please do.

    • #11811

      Watched the first DVD last night. Really good stuff! I love the way it’s presented. Just like class. Watch the instructor, try it with a partner.

      It’s good to watch guys doing the techniques that aren’t familiar with them. You’re probably going to make the same mistakes they are, so it’s good to watch you instruct them on what they’re doing wrong or how they can improve.

      Lot of tapping. Those guys looked like they were in serious pain!


    • #11813

      Thanks Rob,

      Having real cops go through it for the first time was important. It’s a great learning tool to get the questions and concerns of the men and women who have to do it for real.

      Ed and Vinny (the guys on the DVD) are really quality people. Ed is a Guardian Instructor with us now and just started teaching a DT class at the Bergen County Academy.

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