Older Man Fights Back On Bus – The Self Defense Company

Older Man Fights Back On Bus

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    • #10450

      You guys seen this yet:


      It’s funny, pathetic and cool all at the same time!


    • #11844

      Why did they post it on youtube? Assume it was his girlfriend filming it while she was egging him on. I guess they broke up and she decided to let the world know that he was a pussy.

      That kid has to learn how to take a beating like a man.

    • #11845

      I’m not sure who posted it, but I think the authorities are after the girl filming for inciting the fight.

      I thought the guy was asking for M&Ms at the end while he was bleeding, but he was saying ambulance. Which later sounds like amberlamps…


    • #11846

      Homeboy didn’t seem so gangsta gangsta afterwards!

    • #11850

      I won’t comment too much on the video because I think it represents much of what’s wrong with America and even the world today but if you watch the second part that’s also circulating on youtube you’ll see what happens after the bus.
      The old guy seems somewhat mentally disturbed, then again he could just be in shock from what occured but both parties are responsible for what happened, obviously the younger guy should have more respect for the elderly but it didn’t help that the old guy was threatening him as he went back to the front also the girl was egging on the young guy and further putting him onthe spot by filming the incident.

      All in all, people need to grow up.
      Everyone wants respect, but acting like a five year old won’t cut it.

    • #11852

      Well said Machine man. Only if the world were more like you&me lol.

    • #11853

      Well, I agree the situation was not handled well by either, but the old guy did move to the front of the bus to avoid the young guy and told him repeatedly not to mess with him.


    • #11865

      The black guy kept on talking shit. Would it be racist if I said blacks are more likely to be belligerent like that!

    • #11866

      I don’t think OWG (old white guy) was mentally disturbed. When you’re stressed your hormones and adrenaline hits your system as blood moves away from your extremities to your major muscles and organs you lose control of finite motor skills and cognitive thought so speech becomes a problem. Putting a sentence together is impossible.

      When you get pulled/ or pull someone out of a situation they won’t be able to speak until they calm down.

      With regards to posting on youtube… yes it’s disgusting, but it’s the world we live in. You can only control what you come in contact with. But in this case something like this is used as a learning tool and NOT perverted entertainment. I admit that I actually found it inspirational that a man who was clearly targeted as an easy mark, stood up for himself.

      If punks got thumped more often, these situations would happen less often.

      I am sure that man (OWG) is glad he has sore knuckles that can be cured with a bag of frozen peas instead of being in critical condition.

      This guy did the right thing and if he was with in his “legal right” as soon as that guy followed him to the front of the bus.

      My only concern is the punk got off easy. since he’s not severely injured, dead or incarcerated, there’s a good chance that next time he will probably use a weapon since he obviously can’t fight for shit.

    • #11886

      This brings up one of the main reasons that I’m training with the SDTS. I am an older man (47) currently living in the Minneapolis area. A couple of years ago on July 4 at Valley Fair (an amusement park to the southwest of the Twin Cities) a twelve year girl was grabbed on the behind by an older teenager. When the father protested about this he was immediately stormed on by 4 punks (teenagers and a couple of them were in their early 20s) who surrounded the man and proceeded to pummel and kick him when he was on the ground. However like the pizza parlor fight I posted about before, the crowd stood around with their thumbs up their asses and did nothing to help.

      I have a twelve year old daughter, and if someone grabs her like that, going ape shit on that individual would be an understatement. The punks of today have absolutely no respect at all. I know that they were arrested a short time later and although I don’t remember the outcome of the case, if I were the prosecutor, I would have pinned a sex offender label on all of them so that it would have haunted them for the rest of their lives.

    • #11887

      Good for you Sragone. be SURE to instruct your daughter in the methods of F$%KING UP WUNNA-BE POSERS WHO LIKE YOUNGER GIRLS. People get scared and out of selfishness, most people won’t do shit. But if it were their child oh that’s another story. People like that deserve to get an ass kicking though they won’t be laughing when they go to prison and become someone’s bitch

    • #11888

      Yikes! 47 is an older man? I’m 46 and don’t consider myself an older man, really.

    • #11889

      BTW, people who like younger girls don’t last long in prison! Karma’s a real Motherf$%ker!

    • #11894

      Getting older….

      I heard this story a several years back and as I approach 47 (almost there) :), this anecdote becomes reality.

      An old time mafioso in his 60’s had a beef with a much younger, jacked up muscle head. Words were exchanged and the young man expressed his desire to kick the shit out of the old man.

      Upon hearing this the old man calmly and cautiously approached the young buck and said, “Listen, I look at you and to be honest, you scare the shit out of me. And if we were to get into it, I am so terrified that I would have no choice but to try to kill you.”

      After processing the information, the young man and his friends decided that the old man wasn’t worth the trouble.

      There is an old saying “Tiger’s fight harder when they know it’s near the end”. I think it was a line in “League of Extraordinary Men” (awful movie, good quote).

      You know when it’s for all the marbles, NOW you know what needs to be done. Always stack the deck in your favor and make sure you have an edge just in case :wink:” title=”Wink” /> (module 9). It’s always better to HAVE IT and NOT NEED IT than to NEED IT and NOT HAVE IT.

      I should also put out an instructional DVD for law enforcement on how one might dispose of a weapon. NEVER toss it in the sewer or a non-tidal body of water in a 4 mile radius…I’m just saying.

    • #11898

      C’mon Damian you know it was funny though lol. I saw the interviews on the tube. His name’s Vietnam Tom. Old-school war-vet, not the kinda people you wunna cross!

    • #11899

      OF COURSE THIS MADE ME LAUGH!!!!! That was my first reaction.

    • #11900

      Ever hear of Bob Pierce?

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