One more to put some life into BOB – The Self Defense Company

One more thing…how to put some life into BOB

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    • #10117

      I almost forgot, it’s not needed, but a lot of people like to add this to their training.

      Mount the BOB on a dolly. You can make one really cheap. Plywood, frame, casters, hooks and some bungee cords. This will help you to take ground when you train.

    • #10851
      Damian wrote:
      I almost forgot, it’s not needed, but a lot of people like to add this to their training.

      Mount the BOB on a dolly. You can make one really cheap. Plywood, frame, casters, hooks and some bungee cords. This will help you to take ground when you train.[/quote:3i0pbis4]

      Could you share a picture of this here or on your blog. I would appreciate it. Would make it alot easier to build if I could see what ya did.

    • #10852

      No problem, I’ll put it on the blog in a few days.

    • #10853

      I had this one in my barn. It doesn’t have the plywood on it so you can see the construction clearly. In fact, you really don’t need the plywood unless you want a little more support and weight to it.

      The pictures are on the blog here:

      Don’t skimp on the casters. Plan to spend about 10 to 16 dollars US per caster.


    • #10854

      Thanks Damian:) Ya know …they say a picture says a 1000 words. Cant wait to hook my BOB up on it and give it a spin.

    • #10855

      Spinning is one thing it will do.


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