Our safety and well being is much more precarious than we like to think...today's events. – The Self Defense Company

Our safety and well being is much more precarious than we like to think…today’s events.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Our safety and well being is much more precarious than we like to think…today’s events.

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  • Author
    • #10727
      Dallas Williams
    • #13262
      Dallas Williams
    • #13263
      Dallas Williams

      Thank God both of these incidents turned out much better than they could have. Fortunately, the school shooter killed himself and his victim didn’t loose his life, and that the fuckjob suicide bomber’s plans were intercepted.

    • #13281

      I was out with one of my good friends who’s a HS principal and all of this is a self fulfilling prophecy. Years ago before mass media when a kid wanted to kill himself he did it quietly with a rope, a car or some pills. Now they want to take as many kids with them as possible and make a statement- be famous.

      The media and yes the internet promotes this shit.

      There should be a black out on all school murders regarding the NAME of the killer. The victims should be eulogized, not some broken human being.

    • #13291
      Dallas Williams

      Yeah the best thing the media can do regarding these tragedies is just shut the fuck up. People see the amount of fame and notoriety you get from them if you commit these atrocious acts, so you have all these damn copycat artists that get the idea to pull off the same thing.

    • #13303

      Agreed the media agenda no a days seems like they just wanna create fear in the public. And along with that try to make America loose a lot of her liberties.

    • #13306
      Dallas Williams

      Yeah they work with the government to capitalize off of these tragedies to promote more gun control laws, which is only gonna disarm law abiding citizens and make stuff worse and easier for the criminals not better because guess what criminals don’t fucking obey laws lol.

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