Query about hand position in the "fence" guard – The Self Defense Company

Query about hand position in the "fence" guard

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    • #10246

      I went through the different hand positions as you step back from the attacker into your 45 degree stance. I just had a question about the fence position where you have both hands up with your palms facing the attacker. Thinking that the attacker might have a knife I feel uncomfortable with giving him my wrists in case he starts slashing them (although that I would agree is probably more likely with someone who has training with blades).

      I am thinking of adapting it for my own purpose so that I have the back of my hands facing a potential attacker. Not only would any witnesses see me look as if I was pleading with the opponent but I would add a bit of rotational energy to my own attack as I launched into an edge of hand blow, finger jab or chin jab if that became necessary.

      Any thoughts?



    • #11155

      OK, let’s break it down to tactics

      I’d also be careful, that type of protective thinking already puts you one step behind the attack. We used to practice moving in a way that protected our vital points. The problem was it created a false sense of security and allowed our training partners to get the jump on us.

      There is no controlling where the weapon is going, assume you will get cut. In an instant you need to be as aggressive as possible. Samurai (Check out the Hakagure) “when cutting, only think of the cut”.

      When fighting, only think of the attack. Any hesitation can result in a bad day. Even in sports, if you hesitate you will lose and you will be injured. It is always better to attack the man.

      Hands palm out give you a psychological edge. He thinks you’ve given up, and he has you.

      You are also assuming you’re going to stand there. It has been my experience that when approached with someone brandishing a bottle or a black jack you may have the motivation to get out of the way.

      Nothing happens in a vacuum. The response is the same for armed and unarmed. When you get to module 8 you’ll see how it is adapted. If you have time and you see he has a weapon, you will learn to use your environment to create openings. This is something you will normally due. BTW, Pepper Spray makes for great weapons defense :D .

      People will ask me, why do you of all people carry that, my response is because I know better. It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

      At the end of the day, a weapon is only as useful as the guy holding it. Attack the man, attack tha man, attack the man.

    • #11156

      I read your post and kept thinking “that’s right” and nodding my head. It just goes to show how much my mindset is still martial arts and combat sport based. I instantly saw I am still thinking with a defensive attitude!

      Thank you for the reply, Sensei Ross. I will see if I can develop some of that attacking attitude with a through focus on the training drills from the training manual.

      On the pepper spray issue – in the UK it is illegal for a subject of the United Kingdom to carry. Fortunately with my arthritic knees I can carry a nice solid walking stick that would assist in dealing with an armed attacker. Best of all there is no draw action required with a walking stick!



      PS: I made my makiwara brick today. It is a very nice conditioning tool! :D

    • #11157

      I got this one from Reuben Bean, our Instructor in Bermuda…BUG SPRAY.

      The point is, all you need to do is distract them to create space.

      Thank you again. It’s tough to recondition that way of thinking.

      BTW, wait till module 9 for that cane stuff.


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