Questions about this Close Combat – The Self Defense Company

Questions about this Close Combat

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    • #10264

      Hi Mr.Ross,

      I’ve been doing Close Combat training in private for a year and a half now and I purchased your entire collection two weeks ago. I’m really pleased with the package and i’m already almost done watching all the DVDs!!! I think this is the best at home study program for self-defense and trust me I have almost every self-defense DVDs on the market. I do have some questions about your system that I would like you to answer if you have time.

      1)Why didnt you choose to integrate in your system things like: how to deal with the adrenaline surge, how to breathe properly, how to deescalate verbally a situation, the psychology of different types of attackers.

      2)You say in your DVDs that we must always assume that the attacker has some friends with him, so why wouldn’t you then use the Bladded stance at all time.

      3)In your weapons defense DVD which is my favorite so far, I was wondering with you dont try any quick gun disarm after getting the gun out of your way, because even if you overwhelm him, there is still a chance he could get some distance and then shoot you.

      4) Final question, in your system you dont show any punch defense methods because I assume that you go with the striking first mentality, however if you strike first don’t you become the attacker in the eyes of the law.

      Thank you very much and I am looking forward to meeting you in person at a seminar!


    • #11208

      First, THANK YOU. Second you have some great questions and I will anwers them one at a time.

      1)Why didnt you choose to integrate in your system things like: how to deal with the adrenaline surge, how to breathe properly, how to deescalate verbally a situation, the psychology of different types of attackers.
      Its in there. The techniques are designed to take that into consideration, when you start training and going through the modules you will learn to breath through stress. Most times when you are in those situations you don’t have time to prepare. As far as verbal de-escalation, this is a strictly tactical course. We will include it in the Guardian Defencisve Tactis, but to be honest there are a lot of good courses already out there. [/b:1hkpv71c]

      2)You say in your DVDs that we must always assume that the attacker has some friends with him, so why wouldn’t you then use the Bladded stance at all time.

      [/b]This is a great question! First the bladed stance is used in Escape and evasion (60 minute self Defense for the people and Guardian Weapon Retention) it is designed to allow you to get as much space between you and your assailant as quickly as possible, what is doesn’t allow you to do is to put as much power into your target as fast as possible [/b]

      3)In your weapons defense DVD which is my favorite so far, I was wondering with you dont try any quick gun disarm after getting the gun out of your way, because even if you overwhelm him, there is still a chance he could get some distance and then shoot you.

      [/b] While the idea of doing something cool is nice the reality of having any type of weapon in your face is sh$t yourself and then attack. If he’s a good street fighter, and we assume he is, than he is going to bash your head in while you go for the gun. Statistically you will most likely not get shot. Medically you will be able to survive multiple gunshot wounds at close range, Check out the uniformed police violence report for the department of justice. At the end of the day, you have a greater chance of surviving when you clear the weapon and attack the man. [/b]

      4) Final question, in your system you dont show any punch defense methods because I assume that you go with the striking first mentality, however if you strike first don’t you become the attacker in the eyes of the law.

      [/b] In module 1 we show you it doesn’t matter punch, kick, or stab, distance and position. In module 4 at extreme close range we show when this guy gets the jump on you. The truth is you will not be able to determine out side of the dojo (not in a playground youtube fight either) whether its a punch or a stab. He will attack you will either still be standing or knocked out. You will want to protect yourself. You will have to channel your adrenaline to target. As far as the legal ramifications, stop when you feel the threat is neutralized (most people go to jail for continuing after the fact) and hire a good lawyer.
      Thank you very much and I am looking forward to meeting you in person at a seminar!

      Its no problem, great questions, if you have any follow ups, please let me know.


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